I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know we did. We took Lexi ice skating on the 23rd in the city. She had a blast...and has been asking to go back since. She was actually able to skate a few feet all on her own before falling down. Which is more than I can do! I was on the ice in my sneakers! LOL!
Christmas Eve was spent at the in laws as usual and Christmas Day we hosted here. Santa...aka Daddy...came to visit Lexi and presented her with 2 very special presents. One was the roller skates she had been asking for since Halloween. She was so happy to get them she had to try them out right away. The other very special present was her big girl bed. Daddy had worked on it for a few weeks getting it painted, roughed up and decorated to look like an old rustic bed. Her name is painted on the foot board and there is a lasso on it as well. It's her "Jessie" bed. She seemed to like it, but when naptime and bedtime came around that day she started out in the bed but ended up in the crib. Monday she slept in the bed for nap and bedtime...and yesterday, while she was at school, we removed the crib from her room. She slept in her bed last night with no complaints. I hope she continues to do well in it.
I started Lupron on the 27th in prep for this cycle. My parents are lending us the $1100 to cover the Cobra premium for January. DH went today to take the post office exam...hoping something comes of it. His old employer is contesting the unemployment and he had his "interview" with the local office yesterday...we should know if he'll get any benefits within a week or so. The good thing is, if approved it is retroactive back to the 14th of December...so that first check will be nice.
I'm still afraid of what's going to happen. I still feel like it's not responsible to try to bring another baby into this world when we don't know how we're going to pay our mortgage...but I know we may never have another chance at this...and I know our financial situation is only temporary. So I'm going into this cycle with the mentality that if it's meant to be, it will be.
That's what we thought in the beginning...4 years, 8 months and 28 days later, we finally got our BFP. Alexis Marie was born April 10, 2009 at 36w2d. We are now trying to find our way as parents of our miracle toddler.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Whirlwind of emotions
OMG this week has just been a whirlwind. If you recall, our IVF cycle was cancelled back in November because my TSH levels were crazy high...and I went on Dec 1st for repeat bloodwork. TSH came back at 2.3, not below the 2 the RE wanted. HOWEVER, the nurse had told me to get a letter from my Endo stating I was under her care and that she was comfortable with us proceeding and the nurse would see if the RE would sign off on a January cycle.
I found out on Monday that he DID sign off on it. So we were a go for an IVF in January...our insurance would lapse on 2/29/12 and we'd be done well before then. Things were looking up.
Then, yesterday DH lost his job. His job that carried the insurance for the IVF. So on top of the financial strain of losing his income, we were faced with not being able to do the IVF again because the insurance will now lapse at the end of this month.
Then I think...HELLO! COBRA! Yes, the premiums would be astronomical, but it's still less expensive than paying for a cycle out of pocket. And we'd only need it for January...to cover the ER and ET. Everything else I can send through our other insurance carrier.
But then I started thinking last night...maybe this was God's way of telling us we aren't supposed to cycle...I mean, it was cancelled...then he loses his job. And what responsible people try to bring another child into the world when their own financial future is uncertain? But then I think that we may not have another chance at this. Even if he got another job tomorrow...there is no guarantee they will offer IVF coverage. MY job doesn't. That's why we took the 2nd policy through his job. I want to move forward. I really, really do. My heart is saying YES YES YES...but the logical part of my mind is saying...THINK THIS THROUGH!
What would you do?
Oh...and my schedule for the IVF is:
Begin Lupron 12/27/11
Last active bcp 12/31/11
Baseline U/S 1/11/12
Start Stims 1/13/12
ER & ET week of 1/23/12
I found out on Monday that he DID sign off on it. So we were a go for an IVF in January...our insurance would lapse on 2/29/12 and we'd be done well before then. Things were looking up.
Then, yesterday DH lost his job. His job that carried the insurance for the IVF. So on top of the financial strain of losing his income, we were faced with not being able to do the IVF again because the insurance will now lapse at the end of this month.
Then I think...HELLO! COBRA! Yes, the premiums would be astronomical, but it's still less expensive than paying for a cycle out of pocket. And we'd only need it for January...to cover the ER and ET. Everything else I can send through our other insurance carrier.
But then I started thinking last night...maybe this was God's way of telling us we aren't supposed to cycle...I mean, it was cancelled...then he loses his job. And what responsible people try to bring another child into the world when their own financial future is uncertain? But then I think that we may not have another chance at this. Even if he got another job tomorrow...there is no guarantee they will offer IVF coverage. MY job doesn't. That's why we took the 2nd policy through his job. I want to move forward. I really, really do. My heart is saying YES YES YES...but the logical part of my mind is saying...THINK THIS THROUGH!
What would you do?
Oh...and my schedule for the IVF is:
Begin Lupron 12/27/11
Last active bcp 12/31/11
Baseline U/S 1/11/12
Start Stims 1/13/12
ER & ET week of 1/23/12
Friday, December 9, 2011
A different place
Email me for password.
I will still be here...just not right now.
Email me for password.
I will still be here...just not right now.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
A January IVF cycle is a no go I believe. I just got my TSH levels back from my bloodtest last week. 2.310. I huge decrease from 5.3...but still not below the 2 that the RE wants. So now I wait...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
I was never a Black Friday shopper. Mostly because, when I was old enough to have money of my own, I was usually working. From the time I started working, the Friday after Thanksgiving was never one I was able to take off. Which meant I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn to commute into the city for work. I used to drive past all the stores with people lined up outside (back when stores opened at 6am on Black Friday) waiting to get in and a little part of me was jealous that they got to get all the great deals and I had to work.
Fast forward to last year. My mom and I decided to brave T0ys R Us for their midnight opening. She waited in the warm car while I froze my butt off in line. We got some great deals on things. But that was it. We were home by 1am.
This year we decided to try Wally Mart for the 10pm sale. We had two things on our list...the memory foam bath mats (don't laugh, they are awesome!) and a twin size bedding set for Lexi's big girl bed she's getting. Toy Story was requested by the princess herself.
OH. MY. GOD. NEVER. AGAIN. We should have known how crazy it was going to be based on the fact that the parking lot was completely full at 9:30 when we got there. We lucked out and found someone leaving and got their space, but people were parking in the nearby Bank parking lot. In the drive thru teller line. In the ATM line!
Anyway, we went in and quickly found the bath mats...but it wasn't 10pm yet so we had to stand in line...yes...there was a LINE for bath mats. While my mom stood in line, I sought out a manager (yes, there was a manager to be found) and asked where the kids bedding sets might be located...since everything was all over. (I kid you not, they had moved ALL the baby clothes into the grocery section and filled that area with pallets of DVDs). He told me that they hadn't been able to find the bedding and he didn't think it was out. So I went back in line with my mom...only to hear a HUGE commotion from where I came from. Some people had started ripping into the shrink wrap that held the 10pm sale merchandise. And this particular merchandise was SHEETS! SHEETS! Not TV's...NOT Laptops...SHEETS! The manager called security and fights broke out. It wasn't 10pm yet, but once people saw them ripping into the shrink wrap it was every man for himself. People just started ripping into things and grabbing whatever they could. I don't even think people were looking at what they were grabbing.
My mom and I did come away with 5 bathmats...3 for her and 2 for me...unscathed. BUT get this. I asked the manager, who was back picking up dropped/thrown/discarded merchandise from the floor, where, if they had the bedding sets, would they have put them. He directed me to the kids section. My mom and I decided we'd take a walk back there to see...after pushing our way through the electronics department (OMG really people...some of those movie titles are 20 years old. $5 isn't a sale...you can get those for $5 on a regular day) we came to a clearing in the store. And I found the pallet of bedding. No Toy Story, one princess and a few Mickey M0use were all that were left. But, what is that I see out of the corner of my eye? There...kicked under a display of socks 20 feet away. Is that Woody's face I see? Why it is!! I managed to come away with the LAST Toy Story bedding set.
Yes, I braved the Black Friday crowds for 2 bath mats and a Toy Story bedding set. But to see the sparkle in my girl's eyes when she sees it on her custom made Jessie bed (custom made by Daddy)...will make it all worth it. Will I brave Black Friday again? Maybe. I'll never be the "plan it all out hit a zillion stores, stay up all night" type of Black Friday shopper. But I can fight the crowd for the one item my girl really wants...and if I lose and don't get it, I can say I tried...but if I win...well, seeing her face light up will be gift enough for me.
Are you a Black Friday shopper? If so, how "all out" do you go?
Fast forward to last year. My mom and I decided to brave T0ys R Us for their midnight opening. She waited in the warm car while I froze my butt off in line. We got some great deals on things. But that was it. We were home by 1am.
This year we decided to try Wally Mart for the 10pm sale. We had two things on our list...the memory foam bath mats (don't laugh, they are awesome!) and a twin size bedding set for Lexi's big girl bed she's getting. Toy Story was requested by the princess herself.
OH. MY. GOD. NEVER. AGAIN. We should have known how crazy it was going to be based on the fact that the parking lot was completely full at 9:30 when we got there. We lucked out and found someone leaving and got their space, but people were parking in the nearby Bank parking lot. In the drive thru teller line. In the ATM line!
Anyway, we went in and quickly found the bath mats...but it wasn't 10pm yet so we had to stand in line...yes...there was a LINE for bath mats. While my mom stood in line, I sought out a manager (yes, there was a manager to be found) and asked where the kids bedding sets might be located...since everything was all over. (I kid you not, they had moved ALL the baby clothes into the grocery section and filled that area with pallets of DVDs). He told me that they hadn't been able to find the bedding and he didn't think it was out. So I went back in line with my mom...only to hear a HUGE commotion from where I came from. Some people had started ripping into the shrink wrap that held the 10pm sale merchandise. And this particular merchandise was SHEETS! SHEETS! Not TV's...NOT Laptops...SHEETS! The manager called security and fights broke out. It wasn't 10pm yet, but once people saw them ripping into the shrink wrap it was every man for himself. People just started ripping into things and grabbing whatever they could. I don't even think people were looking at what they were grabbing.
My mom and I did come away with 5 bathmats...3 for her and 2 for me...unscathed. BUT get this. I asked the manager, who was back picking up dropped/thrown/discarded merchandise from the floor, where, if they had the bedding sets, would they have put them. He directed me to the kids section. My mom and I decided we'd take a walk back there to see...after pushing our way through the electronics department (OMG really people...some of those movie titles are 20 years old. $5 isn't a sale...you can get those for $5 on a regular day) we came to a clearing in the store. And I found the pallet of bedding. No Toy Story, one princess and a few Mickey M0use were all that were left. But, what is that I see out of the corner of my eye? There...kicked under a display of socks 20 feet away. Is that Woody's face I see? Why it is!! I managed to come away with the LAST Toy Story bedding set.
Yes, I braved the Black Friday crowds for 2 bath mats and a Toy Story bedding set. But to see the sparkle in my girl's eyes when she sees it on her custom made Jessie bed (custom made by Daddy)...will make it all worth it. Will I brave Black Friday again? Maybe. I'll never be the "plan it all out hit a zillion stores, stay up all night" type of Black Friday shopper. But I can fight the crowd for the one item my girl really wants...and if I lose and don't get it, I can say I tried...but if I win...well, seeing her face light up will be gift enough for me.
Are you a Black Friday shopper? If so, how "all out" do you go?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
What I'm thankful for
This season I've decided to try to put things in perspective for myself and write down all the things I'm thankful for instead of dwelling on things I don't have.
So this year, I'm thankful for:
My health. I've had a few scares this year and I'm thankful that I am healthy.
My daughter. After 2 1/2 years, I still look at her with awe and so much love. She means the world to me.
My husband. We've had lots of ups and downs this year and despite all my flaws, some that were "secret" until recently, he still loves me. And for that, I'm VERY grateful.
My home. I have a roof over our heads. Nuf said
My job. In this economy, I am thankful for everyday I have this job. I know what a blessing it was to change jobs willingly in such a poor economy. This job gives me the freedom to have a life outside of my career.
My family. They have proven over and over that they are fully invested in our lives and in our daughter's life.
My mom. I have to single her out. She gives up 3 nights and 3 days of her time to stay at my house to watch Lexi. And she does it with no complaints of being away from my dad and things she needs to get done at her house. She has saved us SO much in the form of daycare costs...and when I was working in an office, would have dinner made when we got home. So thankful for her.
My best friend. OMG what to say about her. She's been my rock...offering a shoulder to cry on...good times...and fond memories. I've known her for 20 years and I can see us being friends well into our senior years. She is so active with Lexi and loves her tremendously. She is my sister, in every way. I love her dearly.
My friends. Both IRL and afar. The support I get from my friends has gotten me through some of my darkest moments. Whether on FB, on this blog, via email or G00gle talk, or in person...I know I can connect with them and they will understand. I wish some of you lived closer! But I'm thankful for each of you.
I know there are probably more things that I could list...but these are the top ones. I hope to look back on this post when I'm feeling down in the dumps and remember all the good things I have in my life.
So this year, I'm thankful for:
My health. I've had a few scares this year and I'm thankful that I am healthy.
My daughter. After 2 1/2 years, I still look at her with awe and so much love. She means the world to me.
My husband. We've had lots of ups and downs this year and despite all my flaws, some that were "secret" until recently, he still loves me. And for that, I'm VERY grateful.
My home. I have a roof over our heads. Nuf said
My job. In this economy, I am thankful for everyday I have this job. I know what a blessing it was to change jobs willingly in such a poor economy. This job gives me the freedom to have a life outside of my career.
My family. They have proven over and over that they are fully invested in our lives and in our daughter's life.
My mom. I have to single her out. She gives up 3 nights and 3 days of her time to stay at my house to watch Lexi. And she does it with no complaints of being away from my dad and things she needs to get done at her house. She has saved us SO much in the form of daycare costs...and when I was working in an office, would have dinner made when we got home. So thankful for her.
My best friend. OMG what to say about her. She's been my rock...offering a shoulder to cry on...good times...and fond memories. I've known her for 20 years and I can see us being friends well into our senior years. She is so active with Lexi and loves her tremendously. She is my sister, in every way. I love her dearly.
My friends. Both IRL and afar. The support I get from my friends has gotten me through some of my darkest moments. Whether on FB, on this blog, via email or G00gle talk, or in person...I know I can connect with them and they will understand. I wish some of you lived closer! But I'm thankful for each of you.
I know there are probably more things that I could list...but these are the top ones. I hope to look back on this post when I'm feeling down in the dumps and remember all the good things I have in my life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
1 year
Today marks the one year mark since my miscarriage. Actually, it's the anniversary of my D&C...but since I had over a month of ups and downs, this is the day that stands out in my heart. The day it truly ended. I still think about that baby...and what might have been. But my heart isn't as heavy as it once was.
I am ever thankful for the little girl I do have. The one who has become quite opinionated and spunky. Who tells me everyday, I love you mommy. Having her to hug and hold made my loss slightly easier. She won't ever remember that she had a sibling, if ever so briefly. All I can do is remember for her...
I am ever thankful for the little girl I do have. The one who has become quite opinionated and spunky. Who tells me everyday, I love you mommy. Having her to hug and hold made my loss slightly easier. She won't ever remember that she had a sibling, if ever so briefly. All I can do is remember for her...
Monday, November 7, 2011
I had my follow up mammogram today and ultrasound. After 2 hours at the hospital I finally got the all clear. I have very dense breasts and the "area of concern" was in fact the mole I have. I can not begin to tell you the relief that flooded through me when I got the results. I'm very happy today.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4: Something Green.
Somthing we are using ALOT of around here lately to offset the other "green" things coming out of little noses. I'll spare you a picture of THAT.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
NaBloPoMo - Day 1 & 2 Self Portrait and What I wore today
So I thought I'd try to do this NaBloPoMo thing. I've never actually posted 30 days in a row...so I fugured why not. But I'm doing a 30 day photo challenge in conjunction with Suzy and Kim. And frankly, I won't be able to think of 30 days worth of posts, so this is my way of participating!
And of course...I'm a day late. But oh well.
Here is the list...taken from Kim's blog...she gives appropriate credit to the originator.
And yes, I'm cheating and using the same photo for Days 1 and 2. Forgive the mess in the background...and the ponytail. I work from home and don't get "gussied" up.
And of course...I'm a day late. But oh well.
Here is the list...taken from Kim's blog...she gives appropriate credit to the originator.
And yes, I'm cheating and using the same photo for Days 1 and 2. Forgive the mess in the background...and the ponytail. I work from home and don't get "gussied" up.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
November 7th
Received my orders from my PCP for some additional views of my left breast as well as an ultrasound...but in talking to my mom, she reminded me of something that I didn't even think of. I have a mole on the underside of my left breast...and I didn't mention it to the tech who did my mammogram. I didn't even think to mention it. She said that most likely, the density that was seen is the mole. I can hope.
I go November 7th for the additional tests...and I will be sure to mention my mole at that point.
Lexi is sick...like hacking cough sick. No fever though. She is definitely congested. She woke up last night and only wanted her mommy and her medicine. I found some cough syrup that is safe for 2 year olds...I don't have the bottle in front of me so I can't recall the name...so she got 1tsp of that and back to bed she went. Slept until after 8 this morning.
Lexi is going to be a pirate for Halloween...what are your little ones dressing as?
I go November 7th for the additional tests...and I will be sure to mention my mole at that point.
Lexi is sick...like hacking cough sick. No fever though. She is definitely congested. She woke up last night and only wanted her mommy and her medicine. I found some cough syrup that is safe for 2 year olds...I don't have the bottle in front of me so I can't recall the name...so she got 1tsp of that and back to bed she went. Slept until after 8 this morning.
Lexi is going to be a pirate for Halloween...what are your little ones dressing as?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Waiting for the other shoe to drop
I can't take much more stress in my life right now. And that's all I seem to have at the moment. If I thought I was stressed before...when the only thing I stressed about was money...then I don't even have words to describe the pressure I feel right now.
IVF postponement...ok...sucks, but I can deal. Just means extra time and maybe another year paying for the HMO.
Hasimoto's...yep...that sucks too. But it's treatable with medication. I went for my ultrasound of my thyroid this morning and I picked up my Levothyroxin last night. Popped my first pill this morning. Being on meds, for possibly the rest of my life, kinda sucks...but I can deal.
This "other thing"...that I can't deal with. I know it could very well be nothing. A bad angle...a cyst...a fibroid...it could be any of those things...but the thought that it might be something more than that still creeps into my head. And that thought KILLS me. I'm 35. I don't want to deal with anything remotely related to cancer. I look at my little girl and think...will I see her grow up? Will I see her graduate from high school? Get married? Have a baby? I know those things aren't guaranteed to begin with...but having this looming over me makes those things ever so important. Makes every hug and every I Love You even more precious to me.
The rational side of me says that if it were really bad...my doctor wouldn't have "just mailed" the order for the tests...that he would have demanded I get in ASAP. He's like that. My brain says that everything will be fine...that I'm over reacting. But my heart...well, that's a whole other ball of wax.
My heart is hurting right now. For the IVF that got put off...for the upcoming one year anniversary of losing the last pregnancy...for the Hashimoto's diagnosis...for reaching age 35...for an abnormal mammogram.
It's just too much all at once. I don't know how to hold it all together. What's next?
IVF postponement...ok...sucks, but I can deal. Just means extra time and maybe another year paying for the HMO.
Hasimoto's...yep...that sucks too. But it's treatable with medication. I went for my ultrasound of my thyroid this morning and I picked up my Levothyroxin last night. Popped my first pill this morning. Being on meds, for possibly the rest of my life, kinda sucks...but I can deal.
This "other thing"...that I can't deal with. I know it could very well be nothing. A bad angle...a cyst...a fibroid...it could be any of those things...but the thought that it might be something more than that still creeps into my head. And that thought KILLS me. I'm 35. I don't want to deal with anything remotely related to cancer. I look at my little girl and think...will I see her grow up? Will I see her graduate from high school? Get married? Have a baby? I know those things aren't guaranteed to begin with...but having this looming over me makes those things ever so important. Makes every hug and every I Love You even more precious to me.
The rational side of me says that if it were really bad...my doctor wouldn't have "just mailed" the order for the tests...that he would have demanded I get in ASAP. He's like that. My brain says that everything will be fine...that I'm over reacting. But my heart...well, that's a whole other ball of wax.
My heart is hurting right now. For the IVF that got put off...for the upcoming one year anniversary of losing the last pregnancy...for the Hashimoto's diagnosis...for reaching age 35...for an abnormal mammogram.
It's just too much all at once. I don't know how to hold it all together. What's next?
Monday, October 24, 2011
I posted about how I went for a mammogram last Thursday...I was just shy of my 35th birthday. Got a letter in the mail today from the hospital that I need to contact my physician's office because I need further imaging. Upon calling my PCP's office they had already written up an order for more testing...apparently I have a small density in my left breast that needs further evaluation. I need to make another appointment with the imaging center.
I'm hoping it's nothing. Or just a cyst. If you're the praying type...please send one up for me?
I'm hoping it's nothing. Or just a cyst. If you're the praying type...please send one up for me?
Friday, October 21, 2011
I saw my endocrinologist today. It's not official but I most likely have Hashimoto's. And it's most likely the cause of my miscarriage last year. My TSH level was 5.6. Normal is around 1.5 - 1.8. I'm to start on a high dose of Levothyroxin immediately. Repeat bloodwork in 4 weeks...next appointment December 1st. I also have to have an ultrasound of my thyroid done.
I don't know what to think right now. The fact that I may not have miscarried last fall had I been taking thyroid meds is a little overwhelming right now. Something so "simple" to treat. And I didn't. I remember telling my RE at the time that I wasn't taking any thyroid meds...and I thought they found me to be "within normal" ranges...but I found out today that your TSH level can be within "normal" ranges and there still be an issue...because apparently your pituitary gland helps compensate for when your thyroid is lacking. Brings the grief to the forefront again.
Tomorrow is my 35th birthday.
I don't know what to think right now. The fact that I may not have miscarried last fall had I been taking thyroid meds is a little overwhelming right now. Something so "simple" to treat. And I didn't. I remember telling my RE at the time that I wasn't taking any thyroid meds...and I thought they found me to be "within normal" ranges...but I found out today that your TSH level can be within "normal" ranges and there still be an issue...because apparently your pituitary gland helps compensate for when your thyroid is lacking. Brings the grief to the forefront again.
Tomorrow is my 35th birthday.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
IVF#4 postponement and Boobies
I felt like crap all day yesterday. Constant headache and overall yucky feeling. The news from the RE's office didn't help. I'm so frustrated. Pushing back this cycle meaning potentially having to pay another year's worth of premiums on this HMO. Don't get me wrong...I'm happy to have insurance coverage and I know how lucky I am that I do...but paying for 2 medical plans is killing us financially! My PCP, my GYN, Lexi's pedi, and DH's MFI doc are all part of my PPO network. They don't take the HMO. The only reason we took the HMO was for the IVF coverage. I can't drop my PPO. DH's job has a wacky enrollment period so coverage runs March 1st - March 1st. So we have until February 29th to have a cycle completed...actually we don't even have that long since his enrollment period is sometime in January. So if I'm not on the Janaury cycle...well, that means another year of HMO premiums.
I guess I'm just mad that the RE didn't order the bloodwork after our first meeting in September. I told him at that point that the only difference between my cycle with Lexi and the cycle I miscarried was that I was on thyroid meds with Lexi's cycle. I told him I wanted my TSH level tested at that time. I just feel that if it had been tested in September that I would have had a few additional weeks to get on thyroid meds...and maybe make the December cycle. December isn't even a chance at this point. January is a glimmer. I'm holding out hope for January.
I have an appointment on Friday with the endo...so hopefully she won't require MORE bloodwork and will accept the results from the test I just had.
Oh and can I complain just a smidge about how LONG it takes to get an appointment??!! I must have called 10 places...each telling me that they are scheduling out to December and January!! Luckily, this Endo dedicates Fridays to seeing new patients and catching up on paperwork. So she doesn't see returning patients and I was able to get in this week!! Sheesh!
I had my first mammogram this morning. My birthday is Saturday and I turn 35. Not old...but a recent announcement by a famous TV host made me really think. She's only 36. A year older than I. She's done IVF. I've done 3. I know there are no proven studies that show people who do IVF are more prone to cancer, but I can't help but think that all these hormones I pump into my body can't be all that great for me. The lengths we go to...
Anyway, off topic. Mammograms are not very comfortable. In fact, mine downright was painful. Being squished like a pancake was not fun. I know it's all in the name of prevention and early detection...but you'd think with all the advances in technology, they'd come up with a better way to do these. Anyway, I should have my results in a week.
I guess I'm just mad that the RE didn't order the bloodwork after our first meeting in September. I told him at that point that the only difference between my cycle with Lexi and the cycle I miscarried was that I was on thyroid meds with Lexi's cycle. I told him I wanted my TSH level tested at that time. I just feel that if it had been tested in September that I would have had a few additional weeks to get on thyroid meds...and maybe make the December cycle. December isn't even a chance at this point. January is a glimmer. I'm holding out hope for January.
I have an appointment on Friday with the endo...so hopefully she won't require MORE bloodwork and will accept the results from the test I just had.
Oh and can I complain just a smidge about how LONG it takes to get an appointment??!! I must have called 10 places...each telling me that they are scheduling out to December and January!! Luckily, this Endo dedicates Fridays to seeing new patients and catching up on paperwork. So she doesn't see returning patients and I was able to get in this week!! Sheesh!
I had my first mammogram this morning. My birthday is Saturday and I turn 35. Not old...but a recent announcement by a famous TV host made me really think. She's only 36. A year older than I. She's done IVF. I've done 3. I know there are no proven studies that show people who do IVF are more prone to cancer, but I can't help but think that all these hormones I pump into my body can't be all that great for me. The lengths we go to...
Anyway, off topic. Mammograms are not very comfortable. In fact, mine downright was painful. Being squished like a pancake was not fun. I know it's all in the name of prevention and early detection...but you'd think with all the advances in technology, they'd come up with a better way to do these. Anyway, I should have my results in a week.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I'm supposed to be starting Lupron today...instead I got a call from my RE's office this morning stating that my TSH levels were really high (over 5) and that they won't cycle me until it's below a 2. While I understand why they are postponing me...it doesn't make the news any easier to swallow.
Plus, I'm nauseous today. Hugging the porcelin god is not how I wanted to start the day.
I'm feeling to yucky to really write anymore...
Plus, I'm nauseous today. Hugging the porcelin god is not how I wanted to start the day.
I'm feeling to yucky to really write anymore...
Friday, October 14, 2011
If I knew then...
I received my box o' drugs from the UPS man this morning. If I knew then what I know now, we would have used my husband's HMO insurance back then. As much as it's a pain to get referrals and approvals and such...I only paid $103 for all my meds. Yep. $50 co pay for the Lupron. $50 co pay for the Endometrin and a $3 co pay for the antibiotic. Nada for the F0llistim or men0pur. Those were 100% covered by the insurance. So any readers out there in mandated states...use the HMO's to your advantage!!
I had my saline ultrasound done yesterday. Holy cramping! It wasn't fun. But everything checked out. So I'm happy about that.
I'm surprisingly nervous about this cycle. I mean, it's nothing new to us...we've done it before. But I think that it being the last opportunity and having a brand new RE are making me a little anxious. I start Lupron on Tuesday...I can't believe this is here already!
I had my saline ultrasound done yesterday. Holy cramping! It wasn't fun. But everything checked out. So I'm happy about that.
I'm surprisingly nervous about this cycle. I mean, it's nothing new to us...we've done it before. But I think that it being the last opportunity and having a brand new RE are making me a little anxious. I start Lupron on Tuesday...I can't believe this is here already!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
IVF #4 schedule
Got my schedule for this cycle. I've never done IVF at a clinic that does "batches" so this is new to me. I'm already on bcp and prenatals...
Lupron starts October 18th
Baseline appointment - November 2nd (lets hope that any cysts I may have shrink before then!)
Start stims - November 4th (if all is ok with my baseline)
Monitoring appointments - November 9th, 11th and 13th
ER - Week of November 14th (depends on how many days I stim)
ET - 3 days later.
If I follow all my previous cycles...and stim for 12 days...November 16th looks like ER. Another Wednesday. My past 2 ER's have been on Wednesdays. Which means another Saturday ET. I know where that puts me for an EDD. But I don't want to think that far ahead. I don't want to jinx anything.
Now I wait for the pharmacy to call to confirm the drugs and give me the amount due. I'm petrified it's going to be some crazy amount. I hope it's not.
I'll be on Follistim and Menopur again. And Ovidrel for trigger. This RE only does PIO after ER up until ET...then he does vaginal suppositories 3x a day. I guess it's both a good and bad thing. No 2 inch needles every night...but must deal with the discharge from the suppository. Just breathe...
In other news. Lexi had her first dentist appointment today. We've been prepping her for a few weeks now...showing her how to open her mouth wide and pretending to count her teeth. She was actually excited to go and readily hopped into the chair. She did EXCELLENT. She even let the dentist do a cleaning and floride treatment on her. No squirmies. I think the cleaning went so well because Lexi has a Tigger spin brush that she uses...so I told her that it would be just like using the Tigger toothbrush. She was awesome. As usual.
Holy crap...I just got a phone call from the insurance confirming my prescriptions! The nurse just called them in about an hour ago...talk about fast service. The pharmacy themselves has to give me the co pay amounts...and I should hear from them either later today or tomorrow. They are shipping the drugs for delivery on FRIDAY! OMG!! Breathe....breathe...breathe....
Lupron starts October 18th
Baseline appointment - November 2nd (lets hope that any cysts I may have shrink before then!)
Start stims - November 4th (if all is ok with my baseline)
Monitoring appointments - November 9th, 11th and 13th
ER - Week of November 14th (depends on how many days I stim)
ET - 3 days later.
If I follow all my previous cycles...and stim for 12 days...November 16th looks like ER. Another Wednesday. My past 2 ER's have been on Wednesdays. Which means another Saturday ET. I know where that puts me for an EDD. But I don't want to think that far ahead. I don't want to jinx anything.
Now I wait for the pharmacy to call to confirm the drugs and give me the amount due. I'm petrified it's going to be some crazy amount. I hope it's not.
I'll be on Follistim and Menopur again. And Ovidrel for trigger. This RE only does PIO after ER up until ET...then he does vaginal suppositories 3x a day. I guess it's both a good and bad thing. No 2 inch needles every night...but must deal with the discharge from the suppository. Just breathe...
In other news. Lexi had her first dentist appointment today. We've been prepping her for a few weeks now...showing her how to open her mouth wide and pretending to count her teeth. She was actually excited to go and readily hopped into the chair. She did EXCELLENT. She even let the dentist do a cleaning and floride treatment on her. No squirmies. I think the cleaning went so well because Lexi has a Tigger spin brush that she uses...so I told her that it would be just like using the Tigger toothbrush. She was awesome. As usual.
Holy crap...I just got a phone call from the insurance confirming my prescriptions! The nurse just called them in about an hour ago...talk about fast service. The pharmacy themselves has to give me the co pay amounts...and I should hear from them either later today or tomorrow. They are shipping the drugs for delivery on FRIDAY! OMG!! Breathe....breathe...breathe....
Monday, October 3, 2011
And so it begins
AF arrived on Saturday...and with that I called it in to my RE. I go on the 13th for an HSG, a pratice transfer and to return our consent forms. Tomorrow, we have to get blood drawn for our infectious disease testing (this always makes me giggle for some reason...the wording, not the tests themselves). BCP and prenatals are being called into my local pharmacy. The nurse will call me later this week with actual dates, since they do ERs and ETs in batches. IVF #4, our final attempt, has begun.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Consult for IVF#4
We had our consult with the new RE on Tuesday. I had all my records from my previous RE, OB/GYN as well as DH's urologist. The new RE was impressed. I guess it pays to be organized and anal about things. LOL!
Anyway, I liked him. He reminds me of Mart.in Sh0rt. But with glasses. We talked about the 3 previous cycles we did and he said he would study all the records I brought him so that we can come up with the best plan of action. He is going to change up my protocol a little, which I'm not thrilled about, but he said it's because of my age and he wants to get the best eggs possible.
I'm to call when I get my period in October so they can start me on bcp. I'll have a uterine ultrasound done on the day we go in to sign the 6 inches of legal paperwork involved with IVF. He does his IVF's in groups...so I'm set for the November group. Which means a late November/early December ER and ET. Just in time for the holidays. Great! (enter sarcasm here)
I'm happy to get things moving. But extremely nervous at the same time. Knowing this is the last cycle. Please G0d...
Anyway, I liked him. He reminds me of Mart.in Sh0rt. But with glasses. We talked about the 3 previous cycles we did and he said he would study all the records I brought him so that we can come up with the best plan of action. He is going to change up my protocol a little, which I'm not thrilled about, but he said it's because of my age and he wants to get the best eggs possible.
I'm to call when I get my period in October so they can start me on bcp. I'll have a uterine ultrasound done on the day we go in to sign the 6 inches of legal paperwork involved with IVF. He does his IVF's in groups...so I'm set for the November group. Which means a late November/early December ER and ET. Just in time for the holidays. Great! (enter sarcasm here)
I'm happy to get things moving. But extremely nervous at the same time. Knowing this is the last cycle. Please G0d...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sockeroo 2011
Kym over at The Smartness ran her Sock Exchange again this year and I finally decided I would participate. The theme this year was :
It has been roughly a year and a half since the last SITM Exchange. Reflect on the past 18 or so months – how has support from others, either in the blogosphere or otherwise, helped you?
I can't even begin to describe what kind of support I've received over the last 18+ months. Everything from advice on parenting, to virtual hugs during my miscarriage, to just saying "I hear you". There are a number of women that I have "met" via this blog who I am now friends with over on that Social Networking site. And who I feel really know me. Even though we've never met face to face, or talked on the phone, I feel a kinship with them. I laugh when they laugh, and I cry when they cry. I haven't just received support over these last 18 months...I've made lifelong friends. Friends I hope to meet face to face one day so our children can play (or get married lol!). I'm not sure where I would be today if I hadn't decided to start this blog 4 years ago...
And my sock love comes from Molly over at McPolish! Thank you Molly! I've already worn my socks a few times!
It has been roughly a year and a half since the last SITM Exchange. Reflect on the past 18 or so months – how has support from others, either in the blogosphere or otherwise, helped you?
I can't even begin to describe what kind of support I've received over the last 18+ months. Everything from advice on parenting, to virtual hugs during my miscarriage, to just saying "I hear you". There are a number of women that I have "met" via this blog who I am now friends with over on that Social Networking site. And who I feel really know me. Even though we've never met face to face, or talked on the phone, I feel a kinship with them. I laugh when they laugh, and I cry when they cry. I haven't just received support over these last 18 months...I've made lifelong friends. Friends I hope to meet face to face one day so our children can play (or get married lol!). I'm not sure where I would be today if I hadn't decided to start this blog 4 years ago...
And my sock love comes from Molly over at McPolish! Thank you Molly! I've already worn my socks a few times!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Lost interest
What do you do when you've lost all interest in sex? That is where I am right now...and it's causing a huge rift between DH and I. It's been over 2 months since our last initimate connection. It's not for his lack of trying though. I just don't ever feel "in the mood". DH and I argue on a regular basis...and it all stems from our lack of sex life. From my inability to give him what he desires...again. What he doesn't seem to understand is that this problem is affecting me just as much as it is him...I'm just better at hiding it...of pushing it down into the recesses of my brain so that I don't have to feel broken again. But broken is exactly how I feel. And I suspect that it all stems from our IF diagnosis. But I can't be 100% sure. I mean, I know that is about when I began to lose interest. Before we started seeing the RE, sex became something that was done at a specific time of the month in order to acheive a goal...having a baby. When we had to start seeing the RE, I never was able to get back to the "sex for enjoyment" mindset I had before trying for a baby. And it's snowballed from there. And I don't know what to do about it.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Got my insurance referral
I received my insurance referral to the new RE today. I also went for preliminary blood work this morning and I have to pick up my PAP results that are ready at my old OB's office. The only thing I'm waiting on are my records from the old RE's office*
*Though I'm now not sure if IVF#4 is even going to happen. Long story that I don't feel like posting about right now.
*Though I'm now not sure if IVF#4 is even going to happen. Long story that I don't feel like posting about right now.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 years
10 years have past...though it seems like yesterday.
I will never forget.
In memory of the almost 3000 lives lost...and the thousands of service men and women who have given their lives since...so that we may continue to live free.
I will never forget.
In memory of the almost 3000 lives lost...and the thousands of service men and women who have given their lives since...so that we may continue to live free.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I've made my appointment to see a new RE for our last IVF cycle. After much debate, we decided to go with this clinic. Well, I decided...my DH is indifferent. Why did I choose this one over the 3 others that the ob could have referred me to? Well, one was ruled out because of the distance I'd have to travel for monitoring etc...an hour each way. Plus, they didn't have very many cycles for women over 35 in their success rates on the CDC's website. Like, they performed 1 in 2009. The rest were all younger patients. Another clinic was ruled out because of my personal feelings for one of the RE's in that practice. I don't like her one bit. She was my first RE...the one who left the clinic I was at and didn't tell any of her patients. So that ruled out clinic #2. So, I was left with the one I chose and one other one. I ultimately chose this one because of it's University affliliation versus being a strictly private practice. It's my opinion (right or wrong, it's mine) that University clinic's are more cutting edge and up to speed on the latest and greatest versus the private practices. Again, right or wrong, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
So in 10 days, I will meet with my new RE and go over the last 4 years of treatment. I've requested my medical records from my old RE (to the tune of $50...what doctor charges that much??!!) as well as my OB. I should have them in time for the appointment.
DH's insurance will lapse on February 29th next year...so we have to have everything done by then or else we'll have to pay for another year of his insurance coverage. AF came on 9/2, so I'm hoping that I can start bc with my October period...and maybe, if I'm lucky, stims will start in November...which means a December ER and ET. Not the greatest timing...but I would still have 2 months "play" in that schedule.
As for how I'm feeling...I'm nervous. My previous RE got me pg both times I cycled there. I hope this new RE will be open to following the same, or a slightly modified, version of my last protocols. I'm just afraid he will change things up so much that if it doesn't work I won't know if it's because of the change in protocol or not. Anyway, listen to me rambling...I haven't even met him yet.
Our last chance is starting...
So in 10 days, I will meet with my new RE and go over the last 4 years of treatment. I've requested my medical records from my old RE (to the tune of $50...what doctor charges that much??!!) as well as my OB. I should have them in time for the appointment.
DH's insurance will lapse on February 29th next year...so we have to have everything done by then or else we'll have to pay for another year of his insurance coverage. AF came on 9/2, so I'm hoping that I can start bc with my October period...and maybe, if I'm lucky, stims will start in November...which means a December ER and ET. Not the greatest timing...but I would still have 2 months "play" in that schedule.
As for how I'm feeling...I'm nervous. My previous RE got me pg both times I cycled there. I hope this new RE will be open to following the same, or a slightly modified, version of my last protocols. I'm just afraid he will change things up so much that if it doesn't work I won't know if it's because of the change in protocol or not. Anyway, listen to me rambling...I haven't even met him yet.
Our last chance is starting...
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sock it to me!
I received my socks in the mail today! Kind of amazing that they arrived so quickly...but I chalk that up to the fact that my sock sister is Molly, over here. And since Molly lives in the same state as me...hell, she lives less than 50 miles from me...it explains why a package that was mailed on Saturday arrived on my doorstep today.
I LOVE them. Thanks Molly! I will think of you and all my blog sisters whenever I don them!
And my sock sister should be getting her package this week. I was a slacker and just mailed them today :(.
Yea yea...I know I'm early in my post...and I have the whole reflection to do...but if I don't get something going now...it will be December before I remember!
I LOVE them. Thanks Molly! I will think of you and all my blog sisters whenever I don them!
And my sock sister should be getting her package this week. I was a slacker and just mailed them today :(.
Yea yea...I know I'm early in my post...and I have the whole reflection to do...but if I don't get something going now...it will be December before I remember!
Friday, August 26, 2011
I hate bugs. Bugs of all kinds creep me out. So imagine how creeped out I am to know that I have ants in my house. Simple sidewalk ants that you see in the summertime...but they.are.in.my.house. EW! I've managed to get rid of them on the first floor by using ant traps and some spray (under my baseboards) but they are upstairs in my office! I have a bird...so they are after any and all seed that the bird drops on the floor. I try to vacuum everyday...but there are still some seeds I don't get. The ant traps aren't helping because the ants just crawl under them (I have carpet in my office). Anyone with ideas on how to get rid of them, sans fumagating my house? Ugh!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Growing Up
Dear Lexi,
I've been meaning to write this post for quite awhile now...but can never seem to get my thoughts straight. You are 28 months old...but you are wise beyond your 2 years. I'm amazed by you everyday. Where just a few months ago you were struggling to say any words, you now use 7 and 8 word sentences. I'm constantly floored to hear you say things like "Don't bump my chair, I don't like it"...and wonder where this opinionated, intelligent little girl came from.
You even seem to be able to recall that on Tuesdays, Daddy goes to play poker...and will ask him, on Tuesday, if he's going to go play. You have so much of him in you...his love of cars has clearly been ingrained in you as you LOVE to play with cars, "drive" Daddy's car, and ask him to "go racing". His love of soccer is also one you share. You are a great kicker and will make a great forward someday. But you love all sports...and will ask to watch a "bateball" game or a "ocky" game if we pass one during channel surfing.
I can't tell you enough how proud I am to be your mommy. I marvel at your newest abilities...am dumbfounded by your use of words I didn't know you knew...and my heart swells when I look at you.
You will forever be my first born. My baby. I will love you no matter what.
I've been meaning to write this post for quite awhile now...but can never seem to get my thoughts straight. You are 28 months old...but you are wise beyond your 2 years. I'm amazed by you everyday. Where just a few months ago you were struggling to say any words, you now use 7 and 8 word sentences. I'm constantly floored to hear you say things like "Don't bump my chair, I don't like it"...and wonder where this opinionated, intelligent little girl came from.
You even seem to be able to recall that on Tuesdays, Daddy goes to play poker...and will ask him, on Tuesday, if he's going to go play. You have so much of him in you...his love of cars has clearly been ingrained in you as you LOVE to play with cars, "drive" Daddy's car, and ask him to "go racing". His love of soccer is also one you share. You are a great kicker and will make a great forward someday. But you love all sports...and will ask to watch a "bateball" game or a "ocky" game if we pass one during channel surfing.
I can't tell you enough how proud I am to be your mommy. I marvel at your newest abilities...am dumbfounded by your use of words I didn't know you knew...and my heart swells when I look at you.
You will forever be my first born. My baby. I will love you no matter what.
Monday, August 15, 2011
4 years of blogging
Wow...I missed my blogoversary. 4 years ago I started this blog as a way to vent about my first failed IVF attempt. Never in a million years did I think that I would still be typing away 4 years later. Thank you all for reading!!
On another note. I'm utterly devastated today. As you may recall, earlier this year when I switched jobs, we enrolled in my husband's group medical on top of my own. We did this because his was an HMO and in our state, HMO's are required by law to provide IVF coverage. Which for us meant one last try at IVF. Before we enrolled, I did my due diligence checking with my RE's office that they did in fact take this insurance. Today, as I'm getting ready to make appointments...I learned that they no longer accept this insurance. So we're back where we were 4 years ago. Looking for an RE. I'm devastated because this is our last shot. There are no more chances after this one...and I really wanted to stay with the RE I trusted. I did 2 cycles with her...and got pregnant both times. I wanted to know I was with someone who knew my history and the office staff there does. I LOVE them. But now, now I have to find a new RE. And I don't have much time. We only took the insurance for a year. I mean, we could reenroll...but this is the only thing we are using this carrier for. Everything else goes through my insurance.
Any ladies in the western Chicago suburbs? Tell me who you go to? Why? What do you like about them...what don't you? Please...be honest?
On another note. I'm utterly devastated today. As you may recall, earlier this year when I switched jobs, we enrolled in my husband's group medical on top of my own. We did this because his was an HMO and in our state, HMO's are required by law to provide IVF coverage. Which for us meant one last try at IVF. Before we enrolled, I did my due diligence checking with my RE's office that they did in fact take this insurance. Today, as I'm getting ready to make appointments...I learned that they no longer accept this insurance. So we're back where we were 4 years ago. Looking for an RE. I'm devastated because this is our last shot. There are no more chances after this one...and I really wanted to stay with the RE I trusted. I did 2 cycles with her...and got pregnant both times. I wanted to know I was with someone who knew my history and the office staff there does. I LOVE them. But now, now I have to find a new RE. And I don't have much time. We only took the insurance for a year. I mean, we could reenroll...but this is the only thing we are using this carrier for. Everything else goes through my insurance.
Any ladies in the western Chicago suburbs? Tell me who you go to? Why? What do you like about them...what don't you? Please...be honest?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Call out for intel from my East Coast readers
I'm not sure where everyone is located...but any readers in the Virginia area?
My little sister just got offered a teaching job at the Dahlgren Naval Base. We're in Illinois. Any intel on neighborhoods to "stay away from"?
My little sister just got offered a teaching job at the Dahlgren Naval Base. We're in Illinois. Any intel on neighborhoods to "stay away from"?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Not much going on
The heat has been killer here. It was 109.9 last Thursday night at 5:30 in the evening....in the shade....and that doesn't take the humidity into consideration. So because of the heat, we haven't been doing much. Lexi had a fever on Friday night (104 rectally) and was attached to my hip on Saturday. But we had family come in from PA and that seemed to perk her up. Last night was spent with family and friends sitting on a deck enjoying some low humidity temps. Hope your summer is looking good!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Regression and Being Green
My "big" girl seems to have regressed a little into my baby. First, I will fully admit that Lexi still drinks her milk from a bottle. We've tried moving her to a cup, but she's NOT having it. She drinks everything else from either a regular cup, or a sippy, so I know she's capable. However, she absolutely refuses to drink her milk from a cup. I think it has to do with her linking the bottle to "comfort". Anywoo, I'm hoping that "school" on Mondays will assist us in breaking the bottle habit. So we deal with about 3 bottles a day. Mostly 2. One in the morning when she wakes, and one right before bed at night. Sometimes there is one in the afternoon if she's been especially henious, but most days it's just 2. But lately, she also refuses to hold the bottle herself. She wants mommy to "old it" while she snuggles up in my lap. I'm not sure if I should indulge her or not. Some days I do, and others I don't. When I don't, we end up with a crying child...not angry cry, but "my world is ending because you don't love me enough to hold my bottle cry" that breaks my heart. We're potty training as well. Is this her way of trying to stay a baby while she's in the midst of such a "big girl" milestone? Assvice?
We live in a newer community that has an association. In our neighborhood by-laws, we aren't allowed to have a clothes line in the back yard. I hate that I have to dry my clothes in the dryer all the time. My laundry room is small...just enough room for the washer/dryer and that's about it. It's also on the first floor of my house, not in the basement. Anyone have any suggestions for how I can use my dryer less, while still adhearing to the neighborhood "rule" (which by the way, I think really sucks ass.)
We live in a newer community that has an association. In our neighborhood by-laws, we aren't allowed to have a clothes line in the back yard. I hate that I have to dry my clothes in the dryer all the time. My laundry room is small...just enough room for the washer/dryer and that's about it. It's also on the first floor of my house, not in the basement. Anyone have any suggestions for how I can use my dryer less, while still adhearing to the neighborhood "rule" (which by the way, I think really sucks ass.)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Vacation in photos
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The hubs and I have been on vacation this past week. It's been wonderful. A short synopsis of what we've been up to (pictures will follow when I get my USB cable from upstairs...I'm too lazy right now)
Sunday - Waterpark with Auntie Bridget and Uncle Joe. Lexi had a great time...fell asleep on the lounge chair about 3 and slept till after 4. She looked so cute!
Monday - Holiday party at the IL's. Lexi swam for the first time all by herself (she had swimmies on her arms!) and loved the freedom!
Tuesday - Poker night for me. Took 3rd
Wednesday - Zoo with the grandparents. Saw the lions get "fed". Though it was more like a snack.
Thursday - Lexi's first baseball game...Chicago White Sox vs. Minnesota Twins. We lost. Lexi loved it though. She received a certificate for her first game from guest relations!
Friday - Date night with the hubs. Dinner at our fave Italian place, movie (Bridesmaids)...then we decided to go to the casino and play some Hold Em in their poker room. I tripled up. It was a great night!
Saturday - RELAX AT HOME
Today - laundry, grocery shopping, swimming at the IL's later, getting Lexi's stuff ready for school*
*We lost our childcare on Monday's...my MIL got a job (good for her, bad for me)...so we had to find something FAST. Luckily I had 3 options. 2 centers and 1 home daycare. We went to look at all three on Tuesday. We threw out one center (HELLO $100 registration fee, and just felt like it was a kids kennel...no warm fuzzies) almost immediately.
The home daycare option was the least expensive ($25 for the day)...but Lexi would only be with one other child, would have to sleep in a pack n play in a room alone, and there is no backup if this lady or her kids get sick.
The center we chose was reasonable ($42 for the day). Lexi would be with about 8 other kids...they sleep on cots...and it's more of a school setting. That was the biggest factor. Since she starts pre-school next year, we want to get her ready for the school setting as much as we can. So she starts tomorrow. I think she'll love it. At least I hope she does!!!
Sunday - Waterpark with Auntie Bridget and Uncle Joe. Lexi had a great time...fell asleep on the lounge chair about 3 and slept till after 4. She looked so cute!
Monday - Holiday party at the IL's. Lexi swam for the first time all by herself (she had swimmies on her arms!) and loved the freedom!
Tuesday - Poker night for me. Took 3rd
Wednesday - Zoo with the grandparents. Saw the lions get "fed". Though it was more like a snack.
Thursday - Lexi's first baseball game...Chicago White Sox vs. Minnesota Twins. We lost. Lexi loved it though. She received a certificate for her first game from guest relations!
Friday - Date night with the hubs. Dinner at our fave Italian place, movie (Bridesmaids)...then we decided to go to the casino and play some Hold Em in their poker room. I tripled up. It was a great night!
Saturday - RELAX AT HOME
Today - laundry, grocery shopping, swimming at the IL's later, getting Lexi's stuff ready for school*
*We lost our childcare on Monday's...my MIL got a job (good for her, bad for me)...so we had to find something FAST. Luckily I had 3 options. 2 centers and 1 home daycare. We went to look at all three on Tuesday. We threw out one center (HELLO $100 registration fee, and just felt like it was a kids kennel...no warm fuzzies) almost immediately.
The home daycare option was the least expensive ($25 for the day)...but Lexi would only be with one other child, would have to sleep in a pack n play in a room alone, and there is no backup if this lady or her kids get sick.
The center we chose was reasonable ($42 for the day). Lexi would be with about 8 other kids...they sleep on cots...and it's more of a school setting. That was the biggest factor. Since she starts pre-school next year, we want to get her ready for the school setting as much as we can. So she starts tomorrow. I think she'll love it. At least I hope she does!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
So as you can see by my ticker on the sidebar, I've lost 6lbs in the last 5 weeks. 6.4 actually, but the ticker doesn't include the ounces. Things have been getting easier...or so I thought. Food choices are getting easier to make. I regularly decline sweets and fattening foods and don't feel like I'm missing out. I've been cooking dinner at home every night (except Thursday, when we had Chinese...HELLO sodium!) and been choosing water as my drink of choice. I also exercised 4 out of 5 days so far. My walks are slowly getting longer and I'm getting a faster pace. I'm not as winded right away and my legs don't burn early on anymore.
But then Thursday came...and it was HOT here. There is no shade in my new community so walks are in direct sun. So instead of walking I decided to bust out the 30 Day Shred and head to my basement where it was nice and cool. Let me tell you...the warm ups had me winded. Jumping jacks? Ha...I have a large chest (like DD) so those were not fun. Push ups? Yea...had to do them the "girl" way. I didn't make it through the whole thing. Only through the 2nd circuit. I was bummed.
Friday I HURT! It hurt to walk...it hurt to sit. So instead of torturing myself again, I went for a walk. And felt every calorie that I burned. I will continue with the 30DS...just at my pace. I'm so happy to have inspired 2 bloggy friends to start the Shred. I hope they will keep me motivated and I can provide them some motivation as well.
Overall, the last 5 weeks haven't been bliss...but I'm seeing results. 6.4lbs is gone...and I know I've lost inches as my pants are falling down now (Side story...I went to a bridal shower last weekend and pulled out my dress pants that I haven't worn since starting to work from home in March...and they were TOO BIG.) I didn't measure until 4 weeks in (OMG are my thighs really THAT big??!!) so I have another 3 weeks before I measure again.
Lexi is doing awesome. We've closed her speech therapy case. This past Thursday was her last session. Her ST actually said that Lexi is advanced now...and was shocked when Lexi used the work "Amazing" to describe som toy the ST had. I'm so happy to have gotten her the help she needed...she obviously a smart cookie and this just helped bring it to the surface!
But then Thursday came...and it was HOT here. There is no shade in my new community so walks are in direct sun. So instead of walking I decided to bust out the 30 Day Shred and head to my basement where it was nice and cool. Let me tell you...the warm ups had me winded. Jumping jacks? Ha...I have a large chest (like DD) so those were not fun. Push ups? Yea...had to do them the "girl" way. I didn't make it through the whole thing. Only through the 2nd circuit. I was bummed.
Friday I HURT! It hurt to walk...it hurt to sit. So instead of torturing myself again, I went for a walk. And felt every calorie that I burned. I will continue with the 30DS...just at my pace. I'm so happy to have inspired 2 bloggy friends to start the Shred. I hope they will keep me motivated and I can provide them some motivation as well.
Overall, the last 5 weeks haven't been bliss...but I'm seeing results. 6.4lbs is gone...and I know I've lost inches as my pants are falling down now (Side story...I went to a bridal shower last weekend and pulled out my dress pants that I haven't worn since starting to work from home in March...and they were TOO BIG.) I didn't measure until 4 weeks in (OMG are my thighs really THAT big??!!) so I have another 3 weeks before I measure again.
Lexi is doing awesome. We've closed her speech therapy case. This past Thursday was her last session. Her ST actually said that Lexi is advanced now...and was shocked when Lexi used the work "Amazing" to describe som toy the ST had. I'm so happy to have gotten her the help she needed...she obviously a smart cookie and this just helped bring it to the surface!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Little One
Dear Baby,
Today is your due date...the day you should have been born. Though I highly suspect you would have made your entrance into this world a few weeks ago, this is the only date I have to recognize you. It's hard to believe 7 months have gone by since we said goodbye to you. I still think of you every day, but it's not with the profound sadness that I carried back then. I think about who you would look like, what your personality would be, but mostly I wonder if you were a boy or a girl.
The fact that I can't name you is what really hurts my heart. The fact that you're only known to your Daddy and I as "Baby" hurts my heart. You should have a name. You deserve a name. But nameless you remain. Maybe one day, Daddy and I will find something that fits you.
You will always be loved. You will never be forgotten.
Love always,
Today is your due date...the day you should have been born. Though I highly suspect you would have made your entrance into this world a few weeks ago, this is the only date I have to recognize you. It's hard to believe 7 months have gone by since we said goodbye to you. I still think of you every day, but it's not with the profound sadness that I carried back then. I think about who you would look like, what your personality would be, but mostly I wonder if you were a boy or a girl.
The fact that I can't name you is what really hurts my heart. The fact that you're only known to your Daddy and I as "Baby" hurts my heart. You should have a name. You deserve a name. But nameless you remain. Maybe one day, Daddy and I will find something that fits you.
You will always be loved. You will never be forgotten.
Love always,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Up and Down
I'm up 2 lbs from last week. The only thing I can think of is because AF arrived yesterday. I was under my calorie goals for the week, and I did get some exercise in...not alot...but some. So I have to assume it's because my body is retaining water due to AF. I hope that's the case and that next Monday I'll be back down again.
My unfulfilled due date is fast approaching. June 15th. Though I suspect that I would have delivered by now anyway. I'm feeling rather down about it. I can't yet put it into words...
My unfulfilled due date is fast approaching. June 15th. Though I suspect that I would have delivered by now anyway. I'm feeling rather down about it. I can't yet put it into words...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Singing in the rain
I managed to wrangle my husband into going for a walk last night after dinner. 5 minutes into our walk, it started to rain. But we kept going. I didn't get my full mile in last night...maybe 3/4. The rain was freezing cold (it was only about 55 degrees outside as it was) so by the time we got back home we were shivering and drenched. We only did 13 minutes...but it was something. And something is better than nothing.
Lexi also had her 6 month speech evaluation yesterday. She passed with flying colors. In the past 6 months, she has gone from speaking at a 12 month level (basically NOT speaking) to speaking at a 27 month level (and she's not yet 26 months old). A 15 month gain in 6 months. Proud can not even begin to describe the feeling I had when I got the report. I can't even begin to tell you the difference I see in her. Not only in her speech...but in her confidence as well. She's always been an outgoing kid...but she's even more so now. And loves to put on "performances" for any audience. (She will stand on a box, chair etc and sing and curtsy)
I didn't want to stop her therapy cold turkey...so we agreed to move to 2x a month for 2 months and then stop around August. I'm so happy I was able to get her into the EI program. I was never "ashamed" that she needed some help, and I think that is one of the reasons why she excelled. We were totally involved in her therapy...working with her daily...making it fun. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...she benefited so much and loves her ST. We'll be sad to see her leave in August.
Lexi also had her 6 month speech evaluation yesterday. She passed with flying colors. In the past 6 months, she has gone from speaking at a 12 month level (basically NOT speaking) to speaking at a 27 month level (and she's not yet 26 months old). A 15 month gain in 6 months. Proud can not even begin to describe the feeling I had when I got the report. I can't even begin to tell you the difference I see in her. Not only in her speech...but in her confidence as well. She's always been an outgoing kid...but she's even more so now. And loves to put on "performances" for any audience. (She will stand on a box, chair etc and sing and curtsy)
I didn't want to stop her therapy cold turkey...so we agreed to move to 2x a month for 2 months and then stop around August. I'm so happy I was able to get her into the EI program. I was never "ashamed" that she needed some help, and I think that is one of the reasons why she excelled. We were totally involved in her therapy...working with her daily...making it fun. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...she benefited so much and loves her ST. We'll be sad to see her leave in August.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A new journey begins
Last Monday, May 23rd, I started a new journey. One that I hope KNOW will bring me happiness. The weekend prior, I had an "aha" moment that brought me to tears. You see, I was at the playground with Lexi. And she wanted me to chase her...simple task, right? You'd think. But I couldn't. A minute or so of running and I was winded. I couldn't play with my daughter because...I was FAT. It was all I could do to walk her home without sobbing. I had spent 5 years trying to get pregnant. Trying to have a child. And now I have her and I can't play with her because I chose to eat burgers and pizza instead of healthier options? I was so angry with myself.
I still am angry...but I decided to DO something about it. I WANT to be able to play with my daughter. I DON'T want to be the mom on the sidelines. I WANT to be involved. And I can't do that at 243.6lbs. So a little over a week ago, I started a "diet". And I use that term lightly. I'm not following WW, or Jenny, or Nutri System. I'm doing good old calorie counting and exercise. I signed up for My Fitness Pal, an online calorie, nutrition, exercise journal, and was SHOCKED at the calories/fat in some of the things I ate on a regular basis. I made the commitment. I was going to do this.
Last week was hard. I'm not going to lie. I walked 1 mile on Monday and Tuesday...ate within my nutritional allotment. Wednesday night I thought I blew it. I had fried shrimp. Savoured every one. But when I came home and input what I ate into my journal, I realized that I hadn't gone over my allotments. I had eaten so sensibly for breakfast and lunch, that even "splurging" a little that night didn't throw me into a tailspin. End result? I lost 4.2lbs last week.
So while my new journey isn't about getting pregnant (well, it will be...IVF #4 is this fall!!)...it's something I need your help with. I NEED people to motivate me. I NEED to be held accountable. I NEED people to ask me if I exercised this week. If I'm not held accountable...I may slip more than I would WITH you. Lexi is my motivation to do this. I want to be able to play with her and be active with her...and set GOOD examples for her.
I still am angry...but I decided to DO something about it. I WANT to be able to play with my daughter. I DON'T want to be the mom on the sidelines. I WANT to be involved. And I can't do that at 243.6lbs. So a little over a week ago, I started a "diet". And I use that term lightly. I'm not following WW, or Jenny, or Nutri System. I'm doing good old calorie counting and exercise. I signed up for My Fitness Pal, an online calorie, nutrition, exercise journal, and was SHOCKED at the calories/fat in some of the things I ate on a regular basis. I made the commitment. I was going to do this.
Last week was hard. I'm not going to lie. I walked 1 mile on Monday and Tuesday...ate within my nutritional allotment. Wednesday night I thought I blew it. I had fried shrimp. Savoured every one. But when I came home and input what I ate into my journal, I realized that I hadn't gone over my allotments. I had eaten so sensibly for breakfast and lunch, that even "splurging" a little that night didn't throw me into a tailspin. End result? I lost 4.2lbs last week.
So while my new journey isn't about getting pregnant (well, it will be...IVF #4 is this fall!!)...it's something I need your help with. I NEED people to motivate me. I NEED to be held accountable. I NEED people to ask me if I exercised this week. If I'm not held accountable...I may slip more than I would WITH you. Lexi is my motivation to do this. I want to be able to play with her and be active with her...and set GOOD examples for her.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Has it been that long?
Dear Baby,
I should be 35 weeks along with you at this point. I should know if you were a boy or a girl. I should be feeling you hiccuping and kicking. I should have seen your face on ultrasound by now. I should be relishing these next few weeks, because if you were to be like your sister, I could have expected you to arrive next week. I should be shopping for last minute items. I should be packing a hospital bag. I should have a name picked out for you.
Instead, you remain nameless. I don't know if you were a boy or a girl. I never saw your face on ultrasound. I never felt your kicks. But that doesn't mean I don't think of you. I think of you everyday when I see your sister's face and wonder if you would look like her.
You are a part of me. And I miss you everyday.
I should be 35 weeks along with you at this point. I should know if you were a boy or a girl. I should be feeling you hiccuping and kicking. I should have seen your face on ultrasound by now. I should be relishing these next few weeks, because if you were to be like your sister, I could have expected you to arrive next week. I should be shopping for last minute items. I should be packing a hospital bag. I should have a name picked out for you.
Instead, you remain nameless. I don't know if you were a boy or a girl. I never saw your face on ultrasound. I never felt your kicks. But that doesn't mean I don't think of you. I think of you everyday when I see your sister's face and wonder if you would look like her.
You are a part of me. And I miss you everyday.
Monday, May 2, 2011
A busy summer
Wow...time gets away from me rather quickly these days. Unless I make a serious effort to post something, I tend to put it off in favor of being outside...or playing with Lexi. Either way, the time is enjoyable.
We had a rather pleasant weekend here in my part of the country. Sunny and NO RAIN! Ugh, I was getting so tired of rain day in and day out. It was nice to get outside and get some fresh air and sun!
Lexi is all signed up for her summer classes. She will be enjoying all kinds of arts and crafts, swimming, athletics etc this summer. But not too much. One class is in June...the next in July...one in August and her swim class overlaps June and July. She will be a busy toddler. I'm very much of the opinion that kids need activities to keep them busy...but not so many activities that they have no down time. This schedule will be perfect for her:
Weeping Willows pre pre-school class. Wed & Thurs from 9 - 11am June 8th - 30th
Water Babies II Swim class. Tu & Thurs from 6 - 6:30pm June 14th - July 7th
Toddlers in Action. Fri 10 - 10:45am July 8th - 29th
Teeny Tiny Tots. Sat 9 - 9:45am Aug 6th - 27th
Weeping Willows is sans parent...the rest parents attend. So we'll see how she does without anyone staying.
We had a rather pleasant weekend here in my part of the country. Sunny and NO RAIN! Ugh, I was getting so tired of rain day in and day out. It was nice to get outside and get some fresh air and sun!
Lexi is all signed up for her summer classes. She will be enjoying all kinds of arts and crafts, swimming, athletics etc this summer. But not too much. One class is in June...the next in July...one in August and her swim class overlaps June and July. She will be a busy toddler. I'm very much of the opinion that kids need activities to keep them busy...but not so many activities that they have no down time. This schedule will be perfect for her:
Weeping Willows pre pre-school class. Wed & Thurs from 9 - 11am June 8th - 30th
Water Babies II Swim class. Tu & Thurs from 6 - 6:30pm June 14th - July 7th
Toddlers in Action. Fri 10 - 10:45am July 8th - 29th
Teeny Tiny Tots. Sat 9 - 9:45am Aug 6th - 27th
Weeping Willows is sans parent...the rest parents attend. So we'll see how she does without anyone staying.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Busting the Infertility Myth - IVF Always Works
I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but back in 2006 when my husband and I first learned that we would need IVF to conceive a child, I believed this myth. We had been trying to conceive for two years at that point. I didn't know much about Artificial Reproductive Techonolgy (ART) or any of the components to it. I only knew what I had heard through others...and what my family had been through. I mean, my Aunt used Clomid and got pregnant and had TRIPLETS. So, since IVF was more advanced that just popping a pill, it HAD to work, right?
I learned the hard lesson in 2007. We started our IVF journey in March...I dutifully followed my protocol. And when I say dutifully, I mean with military precision. I made sure I took my birth control and Lupron shots at the same time every night to get me through the suppression period. When it came time to stimulate my ovaries, I took those injections the same way. Military precision. Hands washed, everything laid out before me, clean the area well, inject. Twice a day I did this. Even now, almost 4 years later, I can tell you EXACTLY what I was doing. I mean, this was going to work. We were getting a baby out of this, weren't we?
My egg retrieval was on April 26, 2007. It went well overall. I wasn't in any pain afterwards...and they got 23 eggs! 23!! 23 chances for a baby! How can IVF NOT work with 23 chances??!! Zero fertilization...that's how. My day 1 fert report came in on April 27th. So far, no eggs had started to divide. They had ICSI'd 16 mature eggs. We had no embryos. Transfer was cancelled.
I was devastated. I was not prepared for this outcome. I hadn't even had one thought that IVF wouldn't work for us. No one had ever said to me that there was a possibility that this wouldn't work...or if they did...I just shrugged it off. All those painful shots...all those hormones I pumped into my body...all those ultraounds, trips to the office for blood work...all for nothing. I walked out of the doctor's' office on May 16, 2007, after my follow up, empty and heartbroken. It would be a full year before I was emotionally ready to start again. To try again. To hope again.
But I did get back up...and try again in 2008. I went into that IVF cycle much more aware that things weren't guaranteed. It was difficult to put my body through the process again...but I wanted a baby. I wanted to feel what it was like to carry a pregnancy. On August 13, 2008 I underwent my second egg retrieval. 24 eggs this time. 17 mature. But I didn't want to get excited. I knew what could happen. When the fert report came in the next day, I was less than thrilled. We had 4 embryos. 4 times better than last cycle, but still not a great percentage. On the morning of August 16th we arrived for our transfer, only to be told that 3 of our precious embryos had arrested during the night. We were left with one. One lone embryo. The doctor gave us a less than 10% chance if we transferred that one. But I couldn't walk away again. I had to give that embryo a shot...no matter what the odds. August 28th will forever be a day I remember. It was the day my beta came back positive. And on April 10, 2009, my daughter was born.
But positive betas don't always mean take home babies. If there is anything I've learned in the past 5 years it's that nothing is guaranteed when it comes to reproduction.
In 2010, we decided to try to give Lexi a sibling. Back onto the IVF wagon we went. By now, we knew the drill...we were following the same protocol that got us Lexi. No need to fix something that wasn't broken right? September 29, 2010 was my third egg retrieval. Again, they got 25 eggs from me. 22 were able to be ICSI'd. We ended up with 2 embryos this time. Given that the previous cycle had resulted 3 of 4 arresting...we weren't hopeful that these 2 would make it. But on October 2nd, both embryos were tranferred back to me. The doctor said they were perfect embryos..and said we should prepare for the possibilty of twins.
My first beta was October 13th. It was positive. We were over the moon with happiness. 93.9 was a good hcg number for 12 days past transfer. Beta #2, on October 18th, wasn't as stellar. 221. It had barely doubled. Beta #3, October 20th...377. We held out hope. October 25th...beta #4...1725! Huge jump! We were excited. Maybe we had a late implanter! Our ultrasound on November 8th, however, revealed that there was no heartbeat. I was 8 weeks along. There should have been a heartbeat by then. There was no explanation as to why my betas continued to rise, but the embryo didn't grow. On November 12, 2010, I under went a D&C to remove the "product of conception". IVF worked...but didn't.
The moral of this long post...is that IVF doesn't always mean a take home baby. The only things IVF does guarantee is a chance. Only a chance at conception. A chance at hope.
If you are going through treatment, or thinking about undergoing treatment, know you're not alone. There are those of us who have been where you are. Who are willing to listen, and support you. Do not be afraid to reach out. We are here to reach back.
If you know someone going through treatment, or about to undergo treatment, please visit the Resolve website below. If you don't know what to say to your loved one, give them a hug. Ask them how much they are willing to share...and ask questions. But please, don't judge them for the choices they make. Infertility is a harsh reality for many people to face and some may not be in a place where they are emotionally able to share. And most importantly, don't treat their losses as if they didn't happen. Acknowledge them. Those chances at hope deserve it.
To learn more about infertility, visit http://www.resolve.org/infertility101.
Also, please visit http://www.resolve.org/takecharge to learn more about NIAW (National Infertilty Awareness Week)
I learned the hard lesson in 2007. We started our IVF journey in March...I dutifully followed my protocol. And when I say dutifully, I mean with military precision. I made sure I took my birth control and Lupron shots at the same time every night to get me through the suppression period. When it came time to stimulate my ovaries, I took those injections the same way. Military precision. Hands washed, everything laid out before me, clean the area well, inject. Twice a day I did this. Even now, almost 4 years later, I can tell you EXACTLY what I was doing. I mean, this was going to work. We were getting a baby out of this, weren't we?
My egg retrieval was on April 26, 2007. It went well overall. I wasn't in any pain afterwards...and they got 23 eggs! 23!! 23 chances for a baby! How can IVF NOT work with 23 chances??!! Zero fertilization...that's how. My day 1 fert report came in on April 27th. So far, no eggs had started to divide. They had ICSI'd 16 mature eggs. We had no embryos. Transfer was cancelled.
I was devastated. I was not prepared for this outcome. I hadn't even had one thought that IVF wouldn't work for us. No one had ever said to me that there was a possibility that this wouldn't work...or if they did...I just shrugged it off. All those painful shots...all those hormones I pumped into my body...all those ultraounds, trips to the office for blood work...all for nothing. I walked out of the doctor's' office on May 16, 2007, after my follow up, empty and heartbroken. It would be a full year before I was emotionally ready to start again. To try again. To hope again.
But I did get back up...and try again in 2008. I went into that IVF cycle much more aware that things weren't guaranteed. It was difficult to put my body through the process again...but I wanted a baby. I wanted to feel what it was like to carry a pregnancy. On August 13, 2008 I underwent my second egg retrieval. 24 eggs this time. 17 mature. But I didn't want to get excited. I knew what could happen. When the fert report came in the next day, I was less than thrilled. We had 4 embryos. 4 times better than last cycle, but still not a great percentage. On the morning of August 16th we arrived for our transfer, only to be told that 3 of our precious embryos had arrested during the night. We were left with one. One lone embryo. The doctor gave us a less than 10% chance if we transferred that one. But I couldn't walk away again. I had to give that embryo a shot...no matter what the odds. August 28th will forever be a day I remember. It was the day my beta came back positive. And on April 10, 2009, my daughter was born.
But positive betas don't always mean take home babies. If there is anything I've learned in the past 5 years it's that nothing is guaranteed when it comes to reproduction.
In 2010, we decided to try to give Lexi a sibling. Back onto the IVF wagon we went. By now, we knew the drill...we were following the same protocol that got us Lexi. No need to fix something that wasn't broken right? September 29, 2010 was my third egg retrieval. Again, they got 25 eggs from me. 22 were able to be ICSI'd. We ended up with 2 embryos this time. Given that the previous cycle had resulted 3 of 4 arresting...we weren't hopeful that these 2 would make it. But on October 2nd, both embryos were tranferred back to me. The doctor said they were perfect embryos..and said we should prepare for the possibilty of twins.
My first beta was October 13th. It was positive. We were over the moon with happiness. 93.9 was a good hcg number for 12 days past transfer. Beta #2, on October 18th, wasn't as stellar. 221. It had barely doubled. Beta #3, October 20th...377. We held out hope. October 25th...beta #4...1725! Huge jump! We were excited. Maybe we had a late implanter! Our ultrasound on November 8th, however, revealed that there was no heartbeat. I was 8 weeks along. There should have been a heartbeat by then. There was no explanation as to why my betas continued to rise, but the embryo didn't grow. On November 12, 2010, I under went a D&C to remove the "product of conception". IVF worked...but didn't.
The moral of this long post...is that IVF doesn't always mean a take home baby. The only things IVF does guarantee is a chance. Only a chance at conception. A chance at hope.
If you are going through treatment, or thinking about undergoing treatment, know you're not alone. There are those of us who have been where you are. Who are willing to listen, and support you. Do not be afraid to reach out. We are here to reach back.
If you know someone going through treatment, or about to undergo treatment, please visit the Resolve website below. If you don't know what to say to your loved one, give them a hug. Ask them how much they are willing to share...and ask questions. But please, don't judge them for the choices they make. Infertility is a harsh reality for many people to face and some may not be in a place where they are emotionally able to share. And most importantly, don't treat their losses as if they didn't happen. Acknowledge them. Those chances at hope deserve it.
To learn more about infertility, visit http://www.resolve.org/infertility101.
Also, please visit http://www.resolve.org/takecharge to learn more about NIAW (National Infertilty Awareness Week)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Needing to vent
Since I've been working from home, we've had my MIL watching Lexi on Mondays. I used to drive her to my mom's an hour away and take the train to the office from there...but since I no longer commute, driving her the hour and then coming back seemed silly. Well, I'm starting to rethink doing it.
Let me first say, that I love my MIL. But I can't stand her sometimes. She's supposed to be watching Lexi on Mondays while I'm upstairs working. She gets to my house about 8:15 (no problem) and I go upstairs. Well, I feed Lexi breakfast before she gets here...or at least Lexi is eating when she arrives. She doesn't feed Lexi anything else until I come down around noon for my lunch...at which time I have to make Lexi lunch AND my MIL lunch as well. Then I have to put Lexi down for her nap...which she should have gone down an hour before...and clean up the lunch dishes...then go back upstairs to work...within the hour. When I'm done at 4:30ish I come back down...and have to feed Lexi dinner right away because MIL didn't give her any snacks after her nap.
I've talked to her about this. I've told her Lexi should get a snack after she gets up...something to tide her over until 6pm when we eat dinner...if she doesn't get anything then she goes from noon until 6 without eating...and that makes a crabby girl. I don't know why she doesn't do it. There are kid "safe" snack foods all in the pantry and Lexi has a cabinet of Gerber foods all to herself. MIL knows this.
OH and today...OMG...she told me she wanted to get Lexi a little chick for Easter. I'm thinking a peep or a chocolate chick...NOOOO she meant a REAL LIVE CHICKEN! I was like, hells no! But I politely said that may not be the best idea since we have 2 large dogs who like to chase little animals. I also added that Lexi should never get a live animal as a gift unless DH or I are the ones giving it, OR, we've discussed it and agreed to it BEFORE any purchase is made. She was miffed. Ticked. Pissed.
I don't know if this is going to work out or not. I don't have an alternative at this point.
Let me first say, that I love my MIL. But I can't stand her sometimes. She's supposed to be watching Lexi on Mondays while I'm upstairs working. She gets to my house about 8:15 (no problem) and I go upstairs. Well, I feed Lexi breakfast before she gets here...or at least Lexi is eating when she arrives. She doesn't feed Lexi anything else until I come down around noon for my lunch...at which time I have to make Lexi lunch AND my MIL lunch as well. Then I have to put Lexi down for her nap...which she should have gone down an hour before...and clean up the lunch dishes...then go back upstairs to work...within the hour. When I'm done at 4:30ish I come back down...and have to feed Lexi dinner right away because MIL didn't give her any snacks after her nap.
I've talked to her about this. I've told her Lexi should get a snack after she gets up...something to tide her over until 6pm when we eat dinner...if she doesn't get anything then she goes from noon until 6 without eating...and that makes a crabby girl. I don't know why she doesn't do it. There are kid "safe" snack foods all in the pantry and Lexi has a cabinet of Gerber foods all to herself. MIL knows this.
OH and today...OMG...she told me she wanted to get Lexi a little chick for Easter. I'm thinking a peep or a chocolate chick...NOOOO she meant a REAL LIVE CHICKEN! I was like, hells no! But I politely said that may not be the best idea since we have 2 large dogs who like to chase little animals. I also added that Lexi should never get a live animal as a gift unless DH or I are the ones giving it, OR, we've discussed it and agreed to it BEFORE any purchase is made. She was miffed. Ticked. Pissed.
I don't know if this is going to work out or not. I don't have an alternative at this point.
My own mortality
A friend of mine from high school passed away on Lexi's birthday...she was 34. Apparently, she had just gotten home from vacation...didn't feel well...went to bed and never woke up. The cause of her death hasn't been determined...or if it has, it hasn't been shared. Nevertheless, the thought that she was only a few months older than me, and died in her sleep, scares the shit out of me. I'm not the healthiest person...I'm overweight, don't exercise, and my eating habits aren't where they should be. The thought of Lexi growing up without me, terrifies me. We wouldn't be prepared at this point should anything happen to either DH or myself.
We just applied for life insurance...something we've been procrastinating doing since we got married. I mean, I had a group policy through my job...and do through my new job as well...but it was only 1x my salary. Not enough to pay the house off or send Lexi to college. So we've recently applied...did the blood tests...and are waiting to hear if we're "approved".
We also need to think about what happens to Lexi should both of us be taken. I want to have something in place that names people that are willing to raise her. My sister being our first choice. We've talked to her about it, and she's agreed...but we have to get it on paper and legal. Anyone know how to do that? My friend passing really put alot of things in perspective...I'm not 15 anymore (though I still don't think of myself as a 34 year old working mom)...I need to start living healthier and making different choices. Not just for me...but for my family.
We just applied for life insurance...something we've been procrastinating doing since we got married. I mean, I had a group policy through my job...and do through my new job as well...but it was only 1x my salary. Not enough to pay the house off or send Lexi to college. So we've recently applied...did the blood tests...and are waiting to hear if we're "approved".
We also need to think about what happens to Lexi should both of us be taken. I want to have something in place that names people that are willing to raise her. My sister being our first choice. We've talked to her about it, and she's agreed...but we have to get it on paper and legal. Anyone know how to do that? My friend passing really put alot of things in perspective...I'm not 15 anymore (though I still don't think of myself as a 34 year old working mom)...I need to start living healthier and making different choices. Not just for me...but for my family.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
A moment I'd dreamed of
Last night before bed, Lexi asked me to again "wock baby". So we sat in the rocker in her room and rocked. Then, she started singing her ABC's. Well, singing them as well as a 2 year old can. And I started to cry. When she was a newborn, singing the ABC's to her in this chair was sometimes the only thing that calmed her. The only song she liked. I've sang the ABC song to her probably thousands of times in her short life...and to have her initiate the song made my heart melt. So we sang together...over and over again. Until she was a limp rag doll in my arms...still trying to sing.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Two years
Dearest Lexi, Today, you turn 2 years old. You are no longer my "baby"...instead...you are a little girl. One with personality and opinions and ideas. You have your own sense of style and of doing things. You amaze me more and more each day with your understanding of the world around you. Your personality is larger than you are...literally. You only weigh in at 23lbs 6ozs, but yet are 34 1/4 inches tall. Which means size 18 month pants fall off your behind, but any size smaller looked like floods. Thank goodness for spring and summer when length won't be an issue. Though you are wearing 2T tops!! We had your birthday party on the 3rd. Lots of family came to celebrate your special day and Mother Nature blessed us with a gorgeous spring day. Mommy doesn't really know what to say anymore...I still feel an overwhelming sense of wonder when I look at you...even 2 years later. I still tear up when we snuggle and you ask me to "wock baybee". I still can't believe we were blessed with the miracle of you. You are an amazing little person...and mommy feels so lucky to be a part of raising you. You may be a little girl now...but you'll always be my baby. Love always and forever, Mommy
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thank you to everyone who commented on my big kid bed dilemma. The biggest problem I foresee is that when we put Lexi to bed, she plays/reads books for awhile before falling asleep. If she's not "contained" in her crib, I can see her wandering around her room and falling asleep somewhere other than her bed. Which really wouldn't be a big deal if she fell asleep...but after last night I'm more hesitant than ever. Those of you who follow me on FB know that I had 105 minutes of a screaming toddler at bedtime last night. She.would.not.go.to.sleep. I don't mind the playing in the crib...but this was all out tantrum. To the point of almost making herself vomit. I think I'll wait awhile longer.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Big Girl Bed = Big Fail
We've had a big girl bed in Lexi's room for about 2 months now. It's a small toddler bed that takes the mattress from the crib. We've been talking about how big girls sleep in beds and little girls and babies sleep in cribs. Same logic we've been doing for potty training. Each night, we give her the option...bed or crib...she always picks crib. We don't speak down about the crib or make her feel bad about her decision. We simply ask, and when she points to the crib, we say ok and give her lots of hugs and kisses and put her in her crib and say nite nite.
Today, for her second nap, I thought I'd try to see if she'd lay in her bed...I knew she probably wouldn't sleep...but what I didn't expect was for her to stand at her door crying. I don't want to scare her from the bed...and if she's not ready then so be it...it's just weird because she will gladly lay in our bed, or in the guest bed, and have her "quiet time".
But my question for all those who have transitioned their kids to big kid beds...how did you do it? Was there any crying at the door? How did you keep them in bed? Did you start with naps and move to overnight? I have no idea how to do this.
Today, for her second nap, I thought I'd try to see if she'd lay in her bed...I knew she probably wouldn't sleep...but what I didn't expect was for her to stand at her door crying. I don't want to scare her from the bed...and if she's not ready then so be it...it's just weird because she will gladly lay in our bed, or in the guest bed, and have her "quiet time".
But my question for all those who have transitioned their kids to big kid beds...how did you do it? Was there any crying at the door? How did you keep them in bed? Did you start with naps and move to overnight? I have no idea how to do this.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I'm boring
I must be the most boring person alive. I've again let this blog slip. Another week and a half has gone by without any posts...and I fear that I've lost the readers I did have.
I started my new job on the 14th. I both love it and hate it. I love it for all the obvious reasons...I work from home, pay is excellent, benefits are good, people are nice, products are interesting to learn. But I also hate it because this company is rather new. 2 years new. Well, 2 years this summer...Lexi is older than this company. And like any new company they haven't ironed out all the kinks yet. The corporate directory is almost non existent...so finding anyone is difficult. They have multiple platforms and it seems that there is not one person who has access to all of the platforms...which completely flabbergasts me since those platforms contain information essential to our jobs. I'm also feeling a little lost. At my old job, I was the go to person...the knowledgeable one. I knew how to navigate inside that global company...but here, I don't know anything...it's a smaller company and I can't figure out how to navigate it.
I'll be honest and say that I'm also missing the daily interaction with people. I miss being able to turn around and ask the person across the aisle what they do in such and such situation. I knew that I wouldn't have that when I accepted this position...but I am having a hard time adjusting to it. I know I've only been "on the job" for 6 business days. I'm still in training. I know this information will come with time...I'm just not a very patient person when it comes to my career.
On a seperate note, Lexi's 2nd birthday party is April 3rd. We are having it the week before her actual birthday so we can celebrate with just her and DH and I on her actual special day. I'm having alot of conflicting emotions about this birthday. For her 1st birthday I was excited and happy...this time around I'm a little melancoly. She's really becoming her own little person, and while I'm happy to see that, I'm also sad because I know my days as her number one person are numbered. She's growing up at a rate too fast for my heart to handle. If you don't believe me, just look at this photo...

Tell me what about this says 2 year old??!! She looks so grown up in this photo, and so amazingly beautiful. I know I'm biased because I'm her mom...but I think she's stunning...I was just hoping for a few more "baby" photos.
I started my new job on the 14th. I both love it and hate it. I love it for all the obvious reasons...I work from home, pay is excellent, benefits are good, people are nice, products are interesting to learn. But I also hate it because this company is rather new. 2 years new. Well, 2 years this summer...Lexi is older than this company. And like any new company they haven't ironed out all the kinks yet. The corporate directory is almost non existent...so finding anyone is difficult. They have multiple platforms and it seems that there is not one person who has access to all of the platforms...which completely flabbergasts me since those platforms contain information essential to our jobs. I'm also feeling a little lost. At my old job, I was the go to person...the knowledgeable one. I knew how to navigate inside that global company...but here, I don't know anything...it's a smaller company and I can't figure out how to navigate it.
I'll be honest and say that I'm also missing the daily interaction with people. I miss being able to turn around and ask the person across the aisle what they do in such and such situation. I knew that I wouldn't have that when I accepted this position...but I am having a hard time adjusting to it. I know I've only been "on the job" for 6 business days. I'm still in training. I know this information will come with time...I'm just not a very patient person when it comes to my career.
On a seperate note, Lexi's 2nd birthday party is April 3rd. We are having it the week before her actual birthday so we can celebrate with just her and DH and I on her actual special day. I'm having alot of conflicting emotions about this birthday. For her 1st birthday I was excited and happy...this time around I'm a little melancoly. She's really becoming her own little person, and while I'm happy to see that, I'm also sad because I know my days as her number one person are numbered. She's growing up at a rate too fast for my heart to handle. If you don't believe me, just look at this photo...
Tell me what about this says 2 year old??!! She looks so grown up in this photo, and so amazingly beautiful. I know I'm biased because I'm her mom...but I think she's stunning...I was just hoping for a few more "baby" photos.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Happy 23 months baby girl!
Dearest Alexis,
I can't call you a baby very much longer because you are in fact not a baby. You are an amazing little girl. I marvel each and every day that you are ours. I still get weepy thinking about how blessed I am to be your mama.
You are using your words more everyday. But still don't use them spontaneously. You will mimick us. Your speech therapist says you're getting better...and I see it. You have an appointment next week with an ENT to assess all the structures in your mouth, just to be sure there aren't any problems keeping you from speaking normally. You are also getting a hearing test. Also, just to be sure.
I can't beleive that we are going to be celebrating your 2nd birthday in less than a month. Where did the time go? How did I miss you growing up so fast? The good news is that I won't miss anymore of you. I will be here for you, when you start preschool...when you have your first soccer game or ballet recital...even when, God willing, that first boy comes calling. I'm so very excited and happy that I get to share those moments with you.
You are my everything. My miracle baby. My strength. It's because of you that I continued to look for better options than a 4 hour commute. I love you more than I can ever express.
I can't call you a baby very much longer because you are in fact not a baby. You are an amazing little girl. I marvel each and every day that you are ours. I still get weepy thinking about how blessed I am to be your mama.
You are using your words more everyday. But still don't use them spontaneously. You will mimick us. Your speech therapist says you're getting better...and I see it. You have an appointment next week with an ENT to assess all the structures in your mouth, just to be sure there aren't any problems keeping you from speaking normally. You are also getting a hearing test. Also, just to be sure.
I can't beleive that we are going to be celebrating your 2nd birthday in less than a month. Where did the time go? How did I miss you growing up so fast? The good news is that I won't miss anymore of you. I will be here for you, when you start preschool...when you have your first soccer game or ballet recital...even when, God willing, that first boy comes calling. I'm so very excited and happy that I get to share those moments with you.
You are my everything. My miracle baby. My strength. It's because of you that I continued to look for better options than a 4 hour commute. I love you more than I can ever express.
Similac coupons
I have four $5 coupons for Similac. 2 expire in June, and 2 expire in July. Will split if multiple people want them.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Too long
I've been noticeably MIA from this blog over the last few weeks. I've been so consumed with a bunch of different things that I neglected this blog. My apologies.
First up, I've been "out of work" since February 25th. I gave my notice to my employer, and since I'm going to a competitor, I was walked out. No big deal. I've had a two week paid vacation that I wasn't expecting. I start my new job on Monday. I'm excited and nervous. I will be working out of my house. I've received my blackberry, but not my PC yet. I hope it comes before the weekend so I can get it setup.
So because I'll be working from home, I've been trying to organize my office. The office was the one room in the house that didn't have any window coverings (we never really used it) so I went and purchased blinds to match the rest of the house. I also had to get a lateral file cabinet to store all my work papers in as well as a new desk chair. I've had a second phone line installed and everything is ready to go...just waiting on the rest of my equipment.
I've also been spending alot of time with Lexi. We're planning her birthday party for April 3rd...so I've been gathering Abby Cadabby decorations and planning the menu. I've ordered a kitchen set for her. It's the KidKraft Vintage Set in Bubblegum Pink. Yes, I ordered the brightest pink imaginable...but I know she'll love it. We did site to store shipping and it was delivered to the store this morning...so I'll be able to pick it up tomorrow or Friday. YAY!
Lexi also got a big girl bed...well, she's had the bed, we just put it in her room. She's still sleeping in her crib. I don't think she's ready yet. She loves her crib. We bought her new bedding and everything, but she still wants her crib. So, I'm in no rush to switch her. The empty bed sits in her room. She'll sleep in it when she's ready.
We've also digressed on our potty training. She's in a stage right now where everything has to be HER way. And right now, HER way does NOT involve the potty. So she's back in diapers. We'll try again in a week or so and see if she's changed her mind.
I think that's about it for now. I promise I won't let weeks go by until my next post.
First up, I've been "out of work" since February 25th. I gave my notice to my employer, and since I'm going to a competitor, I was walked out. No big deal. I've had a two week paid vacation that I wasn't expecting. I start my new job on Monday. I'm excited and nervous. I will be working out of my house. I've received my blackberry, but not my PC yet. I hope it comes before the weekend so I can get it setup.
So because I'll be working from home, I've been trying to organize my office. The office was the one room in the house that didn't have any window coverings (we never really used it) so I went and purchased blinds to match the rest of the house. I also had to get a lateral file cabinet to store all my work papers in as well as a new desk chair. I've had a second phone line installed and everything is ready to go...just waiting on the rest of my equipment.
I've also been spending alot of time with Lexi. We're planning her birthday party for April 3rd...so I've been gathering Abby Cadabby decorations and planning the menu. I've ordered a kitchen set for her. It's the KidKraft Vintage Set in Bubblegum Pink. Yes, I ordered the brightest pink imaginable...but I know she'll love it. We did site to store shipping and it was delivered to the store this morning...so I'll be able to pick it up tomorrow or Friday. YAY!
Lexi also got a big girl bed...well, she's had the bed, we just put it in her room. She's still sleeping in her crib. I don't think she's ready yet. She loves her crib. We bought her new bedding and everything, but she still wants her crib. So, I'm in no rush to switch her. The empty bed sits in her room. She'll sleep in it when she's ready.
We've also digressed on our potty training. She's in a stage right now where everything has to be HER way. And right now, HER way does NOT involve the potty. So she's back in diapers. We'll try again in a week or so and see if she's changed her mind.
I think that's about it for now. I promise I won't let weeks go by until my next post.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
15 work days left
I have 15 work days left in my current position. Only 15. Wow. I haven't given notice to my manager yet...waiting on the background check from new place to clear first...don't want to give notice then not get the new job for some reason!
I'm very excited the more I think about it. But I'm also very sad. I will be leaving behind a lot of great people. Any ideas on little things I could send my sales people (they are in another state) to say "Thank you for everything over the last 6 years...thank you for being patient, for teaching me , for believing in me, for trusting in me, for being there for me"?
I'm very excited the more I think about it. But I'm also very sad. I will be leaving behind a lot of great people. Any ideas on little things I could send my sales people (they are in another state) to say "Thank you for everything over the last 6 years...thank you for being patient, for teaching me , for believing in me, for trusting in me, for being there for me"?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Decision made
I've accepted the job offer. I really couldn't think of a good reason NOT to...besides the no IVF coverage. We will take DH's insurance for the time being...and use the 1 cycle we have left. If we end up pregnant...wonderful. If not, then at least I get to be with the child I have.
The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I've wanted this (work from home) for 2 years. And it's finally coming to fruition. I will get to participate in her childhood...take her to school, help with her homework, attend school functions. All things I was afraid I would have to miss because of my 4 hour commute.
The job itself is pretty awesome as well. Not to get to specific, but it's doing what I basically do now...just for another company, and slightly different product line. I get along great so far with my team (I've spoken to all but one of them) and they are all excited about me joining them.
I am sad to leave the people I currently work with behind. I've been here for 6 years...and have worked with the majority of people for that whole time. It will be hard to say goodbye to those that mentored me when I came aboard. They are patient, caring individuals who took me under their wing and helped make me the knowledgeable person I am today. I have them to thank for this new company wanting to hire me. I've learned from the best.
The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I've wanted this (work from home) for 2 years. And it's finally coming to fruition. I will get to participate in her childhood...take her to school, help with her homework, attend school functions. All things I was afraid I would have to miss because of my 4 hour commute.
The job itself is pretty awesome as well. Not to get to specific, but it's doing what I basically do now...just for another company, and slightly different product line. I get along great so far with my team (I've spoken to all but one of them) and they are all excited about me joining them.
I am sad to leave the people I currently work with behind. I've been here for 6 years...and have worked with the majority of people for that whole time. It will be hard to say goodbye to those that mentored me when I came aboard. They are patient, caring individuals who took me under their wing and helped make me the knowledgeable person I am today. I have them to thank for this new company wanting to hire me. I've learned from the best.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
In a pickle
I know, I know...I'm a horrible blogger. But I'm in a pickle and need your advice. The job that I was interviewing for? Well, they offered it to me. They flew me out to meet the hiring manager last Friday (very nice guy btw) and made me an offer yesterday...more money...working from home 100%...I got along great with the manager and the 2 other sales people I spoke with. The downer? No IVF coverage. None, nada, zilch, zero. They are a fully insured company, but the policy is written out of Florida...which is not a mandated state.
DH's company follows IL law...which would give us one cycle covered (IL law says you get 6 IVF cycles, unless you have a live birth...at which time they will cover 2 more and since we did one after Lexi we would have one more). We could take out his insurance (my job change constitutes a life event for enrollment) and use the cycle there. But that would be it. No more.
If I stay where I'm at...I have maybe 1 MAYBE 2 cycles covered...procedures only...all drugs would be out of pocket.
So again...pros for taking new job and using DH's insurance:
No more 4 hour commute
working from home
no more train tickets (save $)
no more parking fees (save $)
pay increase
one cycle covered
Cons for taking new job:
No IVF coverage
Pros for staying where I am:
IVF coverage (1 or 2 cycles)
Cons for staying where I am:
4 hour commute
What do you think? Honestly...
DH's company follows IL law...which would give us one cycle covered (IL law says you get 6 IVF cycles, unless you have a live birth...at which time they will cover 2 more and since we did one after Lexi we would have one more). We could take out his insurance (my job change constitutes a life event for enrollment) and use the cycle there. But that would be it. No more.
If I stay where I'm at...I have maybe 1 MAYBE 2 cycles covered...procedures only...all drugs would be out of pocket.
So again...pros for taking new job and using DH's insurance:
No more 4 hour commute
working from home
no more train tickets (save $)
no more parking fees (save $)
pay increase
one cycle covered
Cons for taking new job:
No IVF coverage
Pros for staying where I am:
IVF coverage (1 or 2 cycles)
Cons for staying where I am:
4 hour commute
What do you think? Honestly...
Friday, February 4, 2011
When it rains...
Last Wednesday (the 26th) I applied for 2 jobs. Both at national banks. On Wednesday afternoon, I received an email from Bank1 wanting to setup an initial phone interview on Friday. On Thursday, I received a phone call from Bank2, wanting to setup an initial phone interview on Friday.
I had both interviews on Friday. They both went well.
On Monday, I received a call from Bank2 wanting to setup a phone interview with the hiring manager. I returned her call on Tuesday and the interview was setup for Wednesday.
The interview went VERY well.
On Thursday, I received an email from the hiring manager saying he wanted to have the recruiter setup 2 phone meetings with 2 people on his team that I would be supporting. I said that would be wonderful. (still waiting to set those up)
On Thursday afternoon, I received an email from Bank1 saying they wanted to setup in person interviews with 2 of their regional managers on the 15th of February. Those are scheduled.
Today, I get a phone call from my manager, saying he was approached by a manager in another department about talking to me and seeing if I was interested in moving areas. Would I talk to said manager. Sure...meeting scheduled for 3pm Tuesday the 8th.
OMG. I hope I can keep all these people straight.
Bank1 - pay is about 5K more a year. Working in an office downtown. Would still have 2 hour commute.
Bank2 - pay is about 5k more a year. Working exclusively from home. No commute.
Current employer - have no idea yet what they are thinking about...
I'm absolutely floored. I feel so lucky to even get these interviews...nevermind how fast they are coming. I don't NEED a new job. Don't get me wrong, I would love a pay increase and the work from home perk...but I have a job. I know how lucky I am to be in a position to have options. I feel so absolutely floored.
I had both interviews on Friday. They both went well.
On Monday, I received a call from Bank2 wanting to setup a phone interview with the hiring manager. I returned her call on Tuesday and the interview was setup for Wednesday.
The interview went VERY well.
On Thursday, I received an email from the hiring manager saying he wanted to have the recruiter setup 2 phone meetings with 2 people on his team that I would be supporting. I said that would be wonderful. (still waiting to set those up)
On Thursday afternoon, I received an email from Bank1 saying they wanted to setup in person interviews with 2 of their regional managers on the 15th of February. Those are scheduled.
Today, I get a phone call from my manager, saying he was approached by a manager in another department about talking to me and seeing if I was interested in moving areas. Would I talk to said manager. Sure...meeting scheduled for 3pm Tuesday the 8th.
OMG. I hope I can keep all these people straight.
Bank1 - pay is about 5K more a year. Working in an office downtown. Would still have 2 hour commute.
Bank2 - pay is about 5k more a year. Working exclusively from home. No commute.
Current employer - have no idea yet what they are thinking about...
I'm absolutely floored. I feel so lucky to even get these interviews...nevermind how fast they are coming. I don't NEED a new job. Don't get me wrong, I would love a pay increase and the work from home perk...but I have a job. I know how lucky I am to be in a position to have options. I feel so absolutely floored.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Any readers "coupon"? I'm just starting to get into this "craze" and I was wondering how everyone sorts their coupons. My problem is that I forget I have a coupon and don't end up using it...and then it expires. And there are no stores in my area that double so I'm bummed there. Just wondering.
We spent all day yesterday looking for a suit for DH to wear to an interview he has tomorrow. Lexi only ended up with about 60 minutes total of nap time. Cranky little girl by the end of the day.
I had 2 phone interviews on Friday for 2 seperate positions. One is a 100% work from home job. The other isn't. Both salaries are at least 5K more than what I'm at now. Fingers crossed that I get to interview with the hiring managers.
We are expecting 18 - 24 inches of snow here over the course of tomorrow and Wednesday. And the northerly wind will make snow drifts even deeper. NOT looking forward to this. Though Lexi will enjoy herself.
I think that's it for now.
We spent all day yesterday looking for a suit for DH to wear to an interview he has tomorrow. Lexi only ended up with about 60 minutes total of nap time. Cranky little girl by the end of the day.
I had 2 phone interviews on Friday for 2 seperate positions. One is a 100% work from home job. The other isn't. Both salaries are at least 5K more than what I'm at now. Fingers crossed that I get to interview with the hiring managers.
We are expecting 18 - 24 inches of snow here over the course of tomorrow and Wednesday. And the northerly wind will make snow drifts even deeper. NOT looking forward to this. Though Lexi will enjoy herself.
I think that's it for now.
Friday, January 28, 2011
First session
So I didn't go all crazy cleaning yesterday...I did vacuum the family room, since I figured the ST would sit on the floor with Lexi (she did) and shovelled the walk since we got a good amount of snow yesterday. But that's really it.
The session went well. Lexi saw the big roller bag Carrie (the ST) brought and was all about checking it out. One thing my girl is NOT is shy. My mom and I sat amazed that Lexi said everything that Carrie asked her to. OK...not necessarily enunciated properly...but we heard Lexi's version of My Turn, Ball In, More Please, Ball Please, Cow, Pig, I Fall and a few others I can't remember. I told Carrie that we NEVER hear these things from her. Carrie explained that most likely we are hearing them, but when presented with it out of context, we don't understand her. It was easy to hear Lexi's "My Turn" when Carrie prompted her to say it and we knew that is what she was expected to say. It made sense.
We are to work with her on 2 word phrases...My Turn, More Please etc and mimmick her words back to her so she can hear what she sounds like.
All in all I was pleased as punch. Carrie doesn't think this will be a long term relationship, which makes me happy.
The session went well. Lexi saw the big roller bag Carrie (the ST) brought and was all about checking it out. One thing my girl is NOT is shy. My mom and I sat amazed that Lexi said everything that Carrie asked her to. OK...not necessarily enunciated properly...but we heard Lexi's version of My Turn, Ball In, More Please, Ball Please, Cow, Pig, I Fall and a few others I can't remember. I told Carrie that we NEVER hear these things from her. Carrie explained that most likely we are hearing them, but when presented with it out of context, we don't understand her. It was easy to hear Lexi's "My Turn" when Carrie prompted her to say it and we knew that is what she was expected to say. It made sense.
We are to work with her on 2 word phrases...My Turn, More Please etc and mimmick her words back to her so she can hear what she sounds like.
All in all I was pleased as punch. Carrie doesn't think this will be a long term relationship, which makes me happy.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Lexi's first speech therapy session is in 90 minutes. Cue the mad rush to clean up the house to make it presentable to strangers!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Not TOO much going on
I know I've been MIA...chalk it up to a busy workweek and me deciding to take an unplanned haitus from blogging. I was off on the 17th for MLK Day...so I spent it with Lexi. We hung out at the mall, playing in the play area, looking at the puppies, eating pizza and just people watching. It was the BEST day. We also purchased cloth training pants...since Lexi has been ubber successful on the potty some days. Other days, not so much. But to stress, we aren't forcing the issue. Just letting her dictate the pace.
She starts speech therapy on Thursday. I'm VERY excited about this...but I have a feeling the ST will look at me like I'm nuts, since Lexi's vocabulary has been exploding the last few weeks. She now says: Up, Down, Mama, Dada, Maya (cat's name), Mo (more), Op (open), pease (please), uh oh, No, Elp (help)...along with the signs she knows.
I've also started exploring preschools. For 2012 - 2013. Don't laugh. The 2011-2012 preschool program in our school district is already full. So we're on the priority list for 2012. The good thing is, because she's getting EI services, she gets priority...on top of our residency priority. Can't believe I'm already thinking about schools...it's just too soon!
She starts speech therapy on Thursday. I'm VERY excited about this...but I have a feeling the ST will look at me like I'm nuts, since Lexi's vocabulary has been exploding the last few weeks. She now says: Up, Down, Mama, Dada, Maya (cat's name), Mo (more), Op (open), pease (please), uh oh, No, Elp (help)...along with the signs she knows.
I've also started exploring preschools. For 2012 - 2013. Don't laugh. The 2011-2012 preschool program in our school district is already full. So we're on the priority list for 2012. The good thing is, because she's getting EI services, she gets priority...on top of our residency priority. Can't believe I'm already thinking about schools...it's just too soon!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Slap in the face
I just got all my medical bills from the miscarriage in November sorted through. It's costing me more to lose a pregnancy than it did to deliver a baby. Not only do I NOT get my child...but I also get hit with the bills. I was only at the hospital for 5 hours that day. I was there for 36 when I delivered Lexi...and yet those bills were cheaper. And because all this happened at the END of the year...I had already used all my flex account for 2010...so all of this is going to be out of pocket.
I'm so angry right now I could SCREAM!
I'm so angry right now I could SCREAM!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Potty Training here I come
Warning...this post is riddled with bodily functions and references to excrement. Read at your own risk. You have been warned.
Last night Lexi was still napping when I got home, but woke up shortly after. As I've mentioned before, we aren't full on potty training Lexi...but will take her occasionally. When she woke up, I took her to the potty. She sat down and we started looking at the books that are kept in the bathroom. 10 minutes into it, I asked her if she was done...knowing that she didn't do anything. She shook her head "no", so we stayed. 5 minutes later I asked again...and again, she shook her head "no". So we stayed. Shortly after that her face got bright red...and I knew she was going to poo. Sure enough, one long turd came out. We clapped and hoorayed...and I asked her again if she was done. She again said "no"...then MORE poo started to come out and as she's going she's pointing between her legs as if to say "See mom, I told you I wasn't done".
She ended up standing up and signing "All done" to me when she was done. The load she left in her potty was HUGE! I guess she is starting to understand and know when she has to go, since she told me 3 times she wasn't done. It may be time to invest in training pants and pull ups.
Last night Lexi was still napping when I got home, but woke up shortly after. As I've mentioned before, we aren't full on potty training Lexi...but will take her occasionally. When she woke up, I took her to the potty. She sat down and we started looking at the books that are kept in the bathroom. 10 minutes into it, I asked her if she was done...knowing that she didn't do anything. She shook her head "no", so we stayed. 5 minutes later I asked again...and again, she shook her head "no". So we stayed. Shortly after that her face got bright red...and I knew she was going to poo. Sure enough, one long turd came out. We clapped and hoorayed...and I asked her again if she was done. She again said "no"...then MORE poo started to come out and as she's going she's pointing between her legs as if to say "See mom, I told you I wasn't done".
She ended up standing up and signing "All done" to me when she was done. The load she left in her potty was HUGE! I guess she is starting to understand and know when she has to go, since she told me 3 times she wasn't done. It may be time to invest in training pants and pull ups.
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