Friday, August 28, 2009

One year ago...

I received the call that would forever change my life. It's so hard to believe that it's been one year since I had my blood drawn for that first beta. One year since I sat at this very desk in my home office....waiting for the phone to ring...willing it to ring. Jumping every time it did only to be disappointed to see a work colleague's number on caller ID. Finally, just before 3pm, the call came.

Me: Hello?
Nurse: May I speak to Amy please?
Me: This is she
Nurse: Congratulations your beta came back at 137
Me: Are you sure? Please make sure you're reading the right file...this would be a cruel joke
Nurse (laughing): I'm are pregnant.
Me (Crying hysterically): Oh my god!....

The rest of the conversation entailed the nurse scheduling me for a follow up beta and me babbling about not being able to believe it.

I'll never forget that call. It changed my life. It changed me. From that moment on, I was no longer "just" me. I was also a mom.


KimboSue said...

Just you...
Just Mamma...
Just Mom...
Just Mother..

Then best friend...

Then Grandma...

It is so amazing how one thing can change your life FOREVER!

AL said...

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for dropping by my blog, I really appreciate the support.

So happy that IVF worked for you! Your daughter is adorable and I hope you're loving being a Mom.


AwkwardMoments said...

It's amazing how much life changes in a year, isn;t it