Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I know this subject is controversial...but I wanted to get opinions. My cousin's 2 month old daughter just received her 2 month shots on Saturday. On Sunday, the baby had a seizure. She now has to undergo an EEG to measure her brain activity to see if the seizure caused any damage. When my cousin went online to do some research, she found that a side effect to one of the shots was seizures. This was not disclosed to her when she brought her daughter in for the vaccinations.

My question to all of you is...what is your take on childhood vaccinations? Are you vaccinating? Why or why not?

The pediatrician that we've "chosen" (we actually haven't chosen yet, but are meeting with this dr next week) has a policy on the importance of immunizing children. They firmly believe in the CDC's vaccination schedules. I'm not so sure and neither is DH. Our viewpoint is that we would vaccinate our daughter, but only with what he and I have had as children. These "new" vaccines scare me a little too much. I mean, the one vaccine has only been licensed since 2000...all of us born before 2000 turned out ok.

I'm not looking for anyone to preach to me about vaccines...I just want to know your reasons for vaccinating or not.


Mazzy said...

This is a really scary topic. I will say that I would be giving it more thought if it was an option to not vaccinate our baby, but it really isn't. Daycares and schools in our state will not allow you to enroll children without current and up to state standard shot records and since I have to work and home schooling isn't an option for us, we will have to meet the state standards. If I had the option to stay at home with her, I'd probably do more research and think more about it. Maybe this is a lame reason for not putting more effort in to avoiding the scariness of vaccinations, but it is simply reality as I know it.
Good luck with your decision!

A said...

I had planned on doing all the vaccinations, but I think maybe I like the idea of - they can have what I had - even better!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I am pro-vaccine. I think the consequences of not vaccinating are significantly worse than the rare side effects of a vaccine.

Anonymous said...

I love my ped. for the reason that he doesn't push us, just wants us to research it all...I'll tell you what he told us...YOU are her mama and YOU know what's best for her, and you have to follow your gut. I wasn't going to vaccinate until Ben was at least 6 months, but since he's around a lot of his young cousins (and their germs), when I got to his 2 month, I ended up getting him the DTAP and Hib, which cover 2 life threatening illnesses (pertussis and meningitis). My dr has seen thousands of children get vaccinated and said he rarely sees reactions, but the number of times he's had to see babies hospitalized for pertussis is much higher, and its horrible to see. At his 6 month Ben got those again plus prevnar. At 9 the same. I felt in my mommy heart that was what was best for him, but I know many other moms who get all on time or delay and they are just as good of mamas as I am :) We don't have any history of allerigies to vaccines, autism, or seizures in our families so I felt safe there too. I stay away from live vaccines and ones that are newer and don't have long term results, as well as any with questionable ingredients (my ped. is good about letting me know which ones have what in them). Vaccinations are a double-edged sword in my opinion, and you just have to figure out which decision will make you feel less guilty, unfortunately. Good luck! Just remember you love this little girl more than anyone and you have her best interest at heart, and don't let anyone bully you into a decision you're not comfortable with :)

Kate said...

I vaccinate b/c I have not been convinced by the few studies that get a lot of press that there is anything wrong. However, my pedi does not give more than 4 shots at a time. So, maybe there is a compromise there. I really believe in it, but I don't think kids should get 12 different meds at once, you know?

Anonymous said...

Yikes I hope her baby is ok!

Like Jen, if we ever have a baby the risks of side effects don't outway the actual illness that could result. So we will be vacinating.

You can always ask about an "altered" time frame for vaccines. Waiting till her immune system is built up more before giving XYZ shot at the same time and instead opting just to do X, then do Y&Z later. Which is another thought.

AwkwardMoments said...

We vaccinate following the dr. sears alternative schedule.