Friday, November 14, 2008


for all your kind words regarding my last post. While I would never in a million years let someone tell me how I should raise my child, it helps to know that other people agree that getting rid of my dogs because I'm having a baby just seems ridiculous.

My dogs are well trained...they listen (for the most part) and are gentle. My older guy actually loves to cuddle...while my younger one is a kisser. They are good boys and don't deserve to be banished.

Like "areyoukiddingme" said...well trained and my watchful eye should be enough. I know I have no apprehensions about bringing baby home to these wonderful pets. I know they will love baby just as much as they love DH and I.


AwkwardMoments said...

Ugh, I am late reading this but I am so sorry people have already "shared" their opinion with you. It is not their choice, dog, child, situation. Good for you for knowing yourself and your dogs. Stay strong... I wish I could tell you that you won't receive any more "helpful" unsolicited opinions ..but you know that's not the case.

I was asked the same thing about my cats .... the 3lbs vicious felines ...

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm actually pretty sure that our littlest dog is going to hate the baby and be really jealous, but we are still going to keep him. (I don't think he'll hurt the baby or anything, but I am going to keep a close eye on them.)

Anonymous said...

We've been asked about keeping our pups once the baby comes as well. Strange, I hadn't even given that any thought. I mean, there will be growing pains, just as there was adding a new puppy, I'm sure and I will always keep a watchful eye. But seriously, who gets rid of dogs that have been in your family for years, when you're having a baby? I can't wait to walk the neighbourhood, stroller and pack in tow!