Friday, February 27, 2009

6 more weeks

Yep, that's right. 6 more weeks...until I no longer have to come into the office to work. I will have the ability to work exclusively from home after April 10th. Let me tell you, I am ECSTATIC! No more alarms going off at 4:30 in the more leaving the house at more 2 hour commute into the city. Until August. I'm so happy.

My RLP (Round Ligament Pain) has all but went away. But I'm having a hard time breathing today. Baby Girl must have shifted again and she's pushing my diaphragm up into my lungs...making it hard to get a deep breath when I'm sitting down. I have a desk job, so standing all day isn't an, I think I'd get tired of standing pretty quickly as my back tends to hurt when I've been standing for long periods. Go figure. I also can't get comfortable on the couch at night to sit with DH and watch some TV. The only way I'm comfy is to lay on my right side in my bed and snuggle with a pillow. Poor DH...I've been going to bed by 9pm each night...which means we spend an hour together since he doesn't get home until almost 8.

But it's all worth it...


HereWeGoAJen said...

Hooray for only six more weeks!

When I was going to bed early, I made Matt go with me and we watched TV and talked.

Mazzy said...

Congrats on only 6 more weeks!!!!! ;-)

KimboSue said...

YEAH for 6 more weeks. That is so awesome!