Monday, March 30, 2009

New "Symptoms"

So I've developed 2 new symptoms of pregnancy. Friday morning I was working from home...and my feet started hurting a little. When I looked down they were all swollen and puffy. We're talking elephant ankles here! I immediately went to go sit on the love seat in my office and propped my feet up...and the swelling eventually faded. But everyday since, I've had swelling in my ankles...even now, as I type, my ankles are swollen. My hands haven't been affected...but I assume it's only a matter of time before the wedding rings have to come off.

Then...on Saturday morning I woke up around 2am to pee, as usual. I noticed the top of my nightshirt was wet. I thought maybe I'd drooled or something, but when I woke up in the morning I could see that I had not drooled, but had "leaked" overnight. My nightshirt was stained white.

So not only do I have to worry about swollen ankles for the last 8 days I have to come into the office, but also leaky boobs! 8 more working days. 8 more working days. I can't wait!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Milkdiapers! They are breast pads that will contain the leaking. I bought mine online. But read the directions, you actually have to put them on right. The first time I wore them I thought they were terrible.

KimboSue said...

Holy crap! Leaking milk machines! That is crazy. I have some breast pads just in case...

AwkwardMoments said...

UG , I am sorry. Your overachieving TATA's!

Mazzy said...

Hahaha... the swollen feet! Mine were MONSTERS, they were so horrible. I wore adidas flip flops for 4 straight weeks, people looked at me like I was crazy. Seriously, even to church.

I had to go out and buy breast pads in advance, too. Just you wait, it gets much worse after the baby is born! If I forget to put them in, it's just a mess. The playtex brand is my personal favorite.