Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I thought this was only a pregancy thing...

When I was pregnant, I would occasionally have an issue where my blood sugar would fall quite low (I failed my 1 hour test because my blood sugar was only 32). I'd get really weak feeling, start to shake a little, and get a hot flash. I carried with me glucose tablets that I could take to quickly bring my sugar back up. I think I only had 3 or 4 instances where I had to take the glucose because I was feeling really crappy. Well, it happened again today. I had a bagel for breakfast around 8:30am. At 1pm I walked across the street to grab some lunch. When I got back to my desk, I started feeling a little funny. Then I noticed the shaky hands and got hit with the hot flash. My immediate thought was "SHIT! I don't have any glucose with me!". Luckily I remembered that I gave a coworker a roll to keep in her desk, "just in case". I managed to go retrieve them and popped one before I got too shaky.

I thought the hypoglycemia was only a pregnancy thing with me...I'd never had an issue with low blood sugar before I was pg. But I guess not...I'll have to make an appointment with my GP to talk to him about this.

Alexis remains the same lovable, huggable little baby she was last week. I could just eat her up! She celebrated her 4 month birthday yesterday! I can't believe she's 4 months old already! She has her 4 mo well check and shots coming up a week from today. Poor baby will be miserable after that!


Melis.sa said...

Happy Birthday!


Melis.sa said...

lol, sorry i was looking at the wrong one. I meant Happy Blog-Anniversary!

Jendeis said...

Hoping that everything turns out ok. Happy early blogoversary!

Teena in Toronto said...

I hope you're feeling better.

Happy blogoversary!