Sunday, December 12, 2010

Exactly 4weeks and 2 days after my D&C Aunt Flo decided to grace me with her presence. Lucky me.


It's cold here today. Very cold. Like single digit air temperatures cold. Add the wind chill to that...and well, you can's COLD! Thank goodness for crock pots...fleece cocoa...fires in the fireplace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big hugs to you. For the D&C and AF. Blech.

It's cold here today too. 40 degrees! You should see the way these Texans bundle up in wool coats, gloves, hats, scarves for that temp! I can't imagine single digits. Plus wind chill. EEK.

If we ever coordinate a meeting, it will definitely not be in your neck of the woods in December. :-)