Thursday, July 22, 2010


I did it. I've made an appointment with our RE for August 12th at 10:30.

How do I feel about this? Excited to be TTC#2...but nervous about jumping back into the stirrups again. I've been taking prenatals for the last month...and watching what I eat. Trying to gear my body up. But I still know that IVF is no guarantee. We were extremely lucky last time. I know that. DH knows that. But we both want another baby...and we have the insurance coverage to continue to try. The only thing we don't have a whole lot of is coverage for the meds. I think I'm down to around $3K available. So if this cycle doesn't work...we might be paying out of pocket for meds if we go again.

I can't believe I'm talking about cycling again. In one short week, it will be 2 years since we began the last IVF cycle we did. Running the dates in my last AF was around July 5th (yea, I know...I haven't been keeping track, can you believe it?) so I'm due around August 2nd ish. So they would most likely start me on BCP with my September period...take that for 30 it will be October meds, ER and ET...and a possible late June/early July due date.

Lexi would be just over 2 years old. WOW


Anonymous said...


s.e. said...

Wow is right. I am stunned and cannot imagine starting again. Although the memories are still very vivid, I am able to put it all out of my mind. This post made it all come flooding back. I feel for where you are right now but it is so incredibly exciting too!