Monday, July 6, 2009

Return to Work

Today is the day...I am back at work. I loaded up the car last night with all Lexi's "necessities". I didn't want to forget anything. She is spending the night tonight with her grandma. I will see her this evening and she will be home tomorrow. We had a bit of a mix up in who was watching her when, which necessitates her sleeping at grandma's tonight. She did give me a present though...she slept from 10pm until 4:25am! She woke around 2:30, fussed a little, and went back to sleep! I fed her at 4:30, and packed her into her carseat, where she promptly fell asleep and then slept through the whole ride to my mom's...all the way until 7:30 this morning! (I've been told, as I left her at 6:30!)

It's amazing how much I miss her. I'm not worried about her, as I know she's in excellent hands...I just miss holding her and cuddling with her. I'll have LOTS and LOTS of hugs and kisses for her tonight when I get off the train. There were tears on the ride to grandma's (mine, not hers). It's just hard to believe 12 weeks went by SO fast!

Update: I just received a flower arrangement with a card reading "Thank you for being the best Mommy in the world! Can't wait to see you when you get home! Love, Lexi." I am now an emotional wreck, with tears streaming down my face. Thank you baby...mommy loves you too! (Thanks DH...I needed this!)


Mazzy said...

My heart hurts for you with this post. I cannot even imagine how hard your day was and I hope it came and went swiftly... and I hope they get easier. It's got to be hard to leave them and at the same time I have to confess it is hard being with them full time, too. Your husband is SO SWEET, the flowers are amazing.

Delenn said...

Awww that is so sweet! It is very tough to go back to work, but soon it will just be the new normal! I am glad you have relatives to help.

Good luck this week!

s.e. said...

What a sweet husband you have!

It will get easier.

KimboSue said...

That's awesome that she slept so long, especially for your first day back.

What a sweet husband you have to think of something like that.