Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thank you to everyone who commented on my big kid bed dilemma. The biggest problem I foresee is that when we put Lexi to bed, she plays/reads books for awhile before falling asleep. If she's not "contained" in her crib, I can see her wandering around her room and falling asleep somewhere other than her bed. Which really wouldn't be a big deal if she fell asleep...but after last night I'm more hesitant than ever. Those of you who follow me on FB know that I had 105 minutes of a screaming toddler at bedtime last night. She.would.not.go.to.sleep. I don't mind the playing in the crib...but this was all out tantrum. To the point of almost making herself vomit. I think I'll wait awhile longer.

1 comment:

Tina said...

OH!! I also wanted to say, that once ds did transition to the toddler bed, he would always fall asleep right next to the door. No, scratch that, he'd fall asleep BLOCKING the door!! I'd have to force my way into the room and then put him into bed.

He eventually just started to staying in bed.