Friday, January 9, 2009

A little worried...

Baby girl has been quiet the last day or so. I haven't felt much movement. I'm a little worried about it. Though I'm sure she's ok in there, I can't help but worry...

She usually moves around after I eat, but not today...I've felt only a few faint kicks early this morning and nothing since. Did you have lulls in baby's movement?


Mazzy said...

I sure did have lulls in movement during the mid to latter second trimester! Two I can think of specifically that freaked me out to tears. I noticed she would ebb and flow so much during that time frame. Try drinking some cold juice and lie down flat on your back very still and see if you get anything. If not, there is no harm in calling your OB just to check in. Always better to be safe than sorry! Hope all is well.

A said...

Yes, there are lulls. And they worry me. But my friends who have had babies tell me that babies sleep a lot. But I still worry...

Denise said...

Yeah, I was totally paranoid about it. That's why I got a home doppler. Definitely call your doc if you are worried though.

Soapchick said...

I've never been pregnant, so I don't know, but if you are concerned call the doctor and get it checked. Maybe first try drinking some juice or coke.

JW Moxie said...

In short - yes, I have felt some lulls here and there. If I eat something sugary or have some caffeine and lay down on my left side, it was soon after that I felt something.

Also, you're a bit more than midway through so the baby has a lot of room to move around still. It's likely that she flipped and is now moving in a different area than you're used to.

Try eating again, drink a big cup of water, and rest for a while on your left side. If you still feel nothing or even what feels like weaker movements after an hour or so, then it can't hurt to call the doc. Doctors (the good ones, anyway) would always rather you come in and get checked just to be sure everything is okay.


When Two Becomes Five said...

Yep it's common to have lulls. I remember with my first pregnancy the baby didn't move consistently at any given time. My second one bounced around almost non-stop and this time around he has his up moments and down moments. I also have an anterior placenta which causes to some movements to be either faint or possibly unnoticeable. Usually movement isn't too consistent until post 26 weeks. Either way if you're concerned you should call your doctor. They may offer to do a heartbeat check or u/s to put your mind at ease. I've had days where I've been so busy I haven't noticed movement and then I'll have some juice to get the baby moving and it usually works.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Yes, absolutely. She also moved less as she got bigger and had less room. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and prod my stomach to make sure she was still alive in there. Try a sugar soda with caffeine if you are really worried. That would really get Elizabeth moving. I used them when we were trying to get her to move for the ultrasounds.

Delenn said...

Yes, I had lulls in movement. I am sure everything is a-okay, but...

I would drink some orange juice (or something else sugary) and lay on your left side. Hopefully that will get her to move.

If you have any doubts, call your OB--nothing is too silly to call in...

Anonymous said...

I had my 23 week appointment today, and I had been worried about decreased movement but was relieved to hear the hearbeat nice and strong. I mentioned to my ob that I don't feel movement very often, and she said that is still normal at this point but to expect it to really pick up in the next week or two.

Grandma Honey said...

She's probably just having a sleepy day, however, just to be on the safe side, I would call your dr. That way they can check things out and you will know for sure. They can even tell you things over the phone that you can do to get her to move more...I can't remember what they's been too long since I was pregnant.

Another Julia said...

I was so freaked by the lulls that I rented a doppler--helped keep me sane!! (Or less insane, I guess). Happened to me a lot during late pg.

JW Moxie said...

Just checking in again and wondering how you're doing.... Update us when you can.

Mirabel's Parents said...

as my OB explained it, babies' nervous systems aren't really mature until 28 weeks in utero - which means their movements will not be consistent until then - so it is pretty common to have quiet days. i definitely had some quiet days between 22-26 weeks. of course, you should call your OB if you are really concerned. if they are good, they won't bat an eye at your call. my practice never makes me feel badly for calling.

KimboSue said...

There are lulls. Never fear. Little one is still in there!