Saturday, July 2, 2011


So as you can see by my ticker on the sidebar, I've lost 6lbs in the last 5 weeks.  6.4 actually, but the ticker doesn't include the ounces.  Things have been getting easier...or so I thought.  Food choices are getting easier to make.  I regularly decline sweets and fattening foods and don't feel like I'm missing out.  I've been cooking dinner at home every night (except Thursday, when we had Chinese...HELLO sodium!) and been choosing water as my drink of choice.  I also exercised 4 out of 5 days so far.  My walks are slowly getting longer and I'm getting a faster pace.  I'm not as winded right away and my legs don't burn early on anymore. 

But then Thursday came...and it was HOT here.  There is no shade in my new community so walks are in direct sun.  So instead of walking I decided to bust out the 30 Day Shred and head to my basement where it was nice and cool.  Let me tell you...the warm ups had me winded.  Jumping jacks?  Ha...I have a large chest (like DD) so those were not fun.  Push ups?  Yea...had to do them the "girl" way.  I didn't make it through the whole thing.  Only through the 2nd circuit.  I was bummed. 

Friday I HURT!  It hurt to hurt to sit.  So instead of torturing myself again, I went for a walk.  And felt every calorie that I burned.  I will continue with the 30DS...just at my pace.  I'm so happy to have inspired 2 bloggy friends to start the Shred.  I hope they will keep me motivated and I can provide them some motivation as well.

Overall, the last 5 weeks haven't been bliss...but I'm seeing results.  6.4lbs is gone...and I know I've lost inches as my pants are falling down now (Side story...I went to a bridal shower last weekend and pulled out my dress pants that I haven't worn since starting to work from home in March...and they were TOO BIG.)  I didn't measure until 4 weeks in (OMG are my thighs really THAT big??!!) so I have another 3 weeks before I measure again. 


Lexi is doing awesome.  We've closed her speech therapy case.  This past Thursday was her last session.  Her ST actually said that Lexi is advanced now...and was shocked when Lexi used the work "Amazing" to describe som toy the ST had.  I'm so happy to have gotten her the help she needed...she obviously a smart cookie and this just helped bring it to the surface!


Frenchie said...

Hi here from LFCA. I am sorry for your loss. The unfulfilled due date is tough--I just had one too. Your Lexi looks like a cutie. All the best to you!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! You will do it girl!!!

Mazzy said...

Keep going! You are doing so great. It is a day by day thing.

Glad Lexi is doing so well, too!!!

Photogrl said...

Way to go!

I have the 30 day shred, too...I need to pull it out and dust it off!

Anonymous said...

WOOT. It's nice to have workout buddies even if they are in the computer. :) I took measurements last night. Let's just say I won't be posting them until they have decreased...

s.e. said...

Wow for your weight loss. You have motivated me even more. I wish I would have known to take measurements or even how too. I am already getting frustrated that the weight is not coming off. Love our little shred possey!