Thursday, October 16, 2008

11 weeks - a real post

11 weeks pregnant yesterday. I can hardly believe it. 11 weeks! I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around this...but my heart is 100% invested. The spotting has ceased as of a little more than a week ago. And I still don't "feel" pregnant. I've had a few bouts of nausea...mostly at night...and 2 episodes of hugging the commode, but other than's normal day to day. I seem to feel sick after my train ride home...not sure if it's the motion or what, but I'm fine in the mornings...then again, I'm sleeping on the morning ride.

I had my 10 week appointment last week, and we got to see Lucky again. It was amazing to watch as he/she kicked and moved around! To know that was going on inside me and not even to feel it, blew me away! Heartbeat was strong at 179bpm. Here is a pic from that appointment:

On a different note, I need some advice. My cousin and I are 3 months apart in age, we were really close up until about a year ago, when something happened, I don't know what, that caused us to drift apart. When she got pg with #1 in 2005, I was the first person she told. She told me about #2 via email in November of last year. I hadn't told her I was pg. I received an email from her this morning asking why I hadn't told her "a certain little something". I feel bad for not telling her, but quite honestly, we don't talk anymore. We don't see one another anymore except at family get togethers. When I was at her DS#2's Baptism in early September, she barely spoke to me. At that point I kinda felt like I'd only be calling her to say I was pg and that was it. Now I feel shitty and don't know what to do. I don't want to alienate her more...


Kate said...

Well, maybe this good news would be a way to reconnect, unless you just aren't interested in reconnecting. It's hard to know sometimes when to let people go.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Gorgeous picture!

I don't know. Maybe I'd email her back and just try to explain a good reason.

Anonymous said...

I would be honest with her. Tell her you didn't want to call after such a long abscence for you felt it would just be rubbing it in her face. Or feel free to paraphrase. She will either understand or she won't.

But don't worry about it! You have a little bean to nurture and protect! And that is what is most important!

AwkwardMoments said...

What a beautiful picture.

Tell her the truth in an email.

A said...

Technically, you're still in your first trimester, so you could just say you were waiting.

But I would tell her the truth, in an email, just what you told us in your post.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt tell anyone anything until after the 12 week "milestone", so you can always say that too. Not a lie...

I love seeing your u/s pics! I'm not having anymore, so I"m living through you!!

Stay healthy and positive and enjoy this wonderful time. Wait till the first time someone treats you differently because you're pregnant - still makes me smile!

battynurse said...

Happy 11 weeks.
That's a tough thing with your cousin. I've had a sort of similar situation and it's never really resolved. I would second the idea of sending her an e-mail explaining honestly your reasoning for not telling her sooner. Hopefully this will help to fix things.