Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to me! (One day late)

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 31. When I was 21, I had hoped to be married and a mom by 25. When I turned 25, I had hoped to be married and a mom by 28. At 28, I was married, but not a mom. As my 31st birthday came and went, I didn't think about being a mom...at least not as obsessively as I have in the past. I enjoyed spending the day with my DH...we both took the day off work. We ran errands and DH made reservations at Harry Carey's for dinner...but it was a laid back, peaceful day. One that was only marred by an under cooked steak, but which was easily remedied. It was the first birthday in a long time that wasn't plagued with the thought of getting older and not having a baby. In fact, I've decided to teach myself how to crochet. Don't laugh...I've done needlepoint, but my eyes are so bad now (I wear bifocals) that it's hard to continue. I want a new hobby. Crocheting is it.


AwkwardMoments said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! And good luck crocheting - I did for a while, but everything came out lopsided!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday!!

Tracy said...

Happy belated birthday!!!! and good luck with the crochet. I have a very weird scarf that I made with my first and only attempt. It's much wider at one end than the other, but it's soft and warm. :)

Familyofthree said...

Happy very belated birthday...I hope it was fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry I missed your big day. I'll be 32 in a month... I'm learning to knit now, I think the bigger needles are the way to go as you age!